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    For the past couple of weeks I have been cramping in my legs and feet. Monday while visiting a client my left began cramping and became so severe I could not walk. Needless to say it was extremely painful. MY back even gets in on the action. However, with my back the muscles seem to just lock up causing excrutiating pain.

    I already take 900mg of Neurontin along with 30mg of Baclofen and a 10 mg Zanaflex daily. Yet the cramps contine.

    Does anyone else experience this and take something different or a take higher dose of the same meds?
    Dx'd 4/1/11. First symptoms in 2001. Avonex 4/11, Copaxone 5/12, Tecfidera 4/13 Gilenya 4/14-10/14 Currently on no DMT's, Started Aubagio 9/21/15. Back on Avonex 10/15

    It's hard to beat a person that never gives up.
    Babe Ruth

    I've never been on baclofen, so I can't say anything about how well (or not) it works. I do know that the maximum recommended maintenance dose is 80 mg per day, in 4 divided doses. [I'll remind you here to not take the word of some boob on the Internet (me and be sure to check that out yourself.] It might be worth trying it in a higher dose to see if it helps more.

    I have been on Zanaflex. It made me too sleepy to ever take it during the day. When I took it at night, it seemed to work OK to ease the constant muscle tightness/spasticity, but it didn't do diddly squat to prevent those nasty charlie-horse leg and foot cramps. Since I really wanted it to prevent the cramps, I didn't take it for very long. Now if I'm going through a crampy phase I take Skelaxin.


      Just wanted to say I know what you are going through. So far I am only on 10MG of Baclofen daily with no relief. Hopefully my Dr will up my dosage on my next visit.
      It is very hard to live with this every single day.
      I hope you find something that helps you.
      DX 10/26/11


        HI Way!

        OK, I didn't intend a joke there....sorry.

        You might consider asking your PCP/Neuro to up your
        Baclofen. You've got room to up the dose, if you
        can tolerate "the yawnies".

        I'm on 20mgs/4X/day, so I space the doses every 6 hours.
        Kind of gotten use to the extra yawns....that's the good can get use to it.

        The bad news is that it wears off in ~4 hours, and tends
        to let me down with a thud. Unfortunately, thats about
        the same time the alleged pain-killers wear off.....

        Double Thud!

        I started slow with the increases, both dose and # of times
        per day. See what works for you. Hopefully, your Drs.
        are willing to give you the latitude to experiment with it.

        Just remember, you can't go off it abruptly. You gotta
        ease off, or all sorts of nastiness can happen.

        I still get some "break-thru" cramping, but like a lot
        of symptom relief meds, you gotta weigh the side affects
        verses the relief yielded.

        It's good to know I could go off it I wanted/needed to.
        But frankly, I really don't want to. Does too much good
        for me.

        Take care. Hope you find some relief.

        "I'm not limping!! I'm just favoring each leg differently!!"


          I mostly get cramps during the night while in bed, but still get some during the day mostly in lower legs and feet. I was on 20mg Baclofen but was still getting cramps so after over a year I asked nuero for something else and he gave me Tizanidine 2 mg twice a day. He told me to start out with it at night only and then go to days but never have done the days and have little to no cramping now. I also noticed my balance has improved since I have been off baclofen.
          Plan for the future, but not too hard; it’s not your decision anyway

