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Dilemma,what to do?

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    Dilemma,what to do?

    Hello, I have been in what I believe is a vertigo flare for the past 4 weeks or so. I did not do steroids b/c I was trying to have an Mri done first,but that's another story. Anyway i am scheduled to do a 3 days of Iv steroids next week. but i have read on this board that it's best to do the steroids at the begining of a flare.

    i don't know how much longer this is going to last. I really need to get back to work b/c I have not worked for over a month.

    Do I just need to finish riding it out or do I go for the steroids? I am not on any DMDS(another story).

    I am begining to feel a little better. but it's slow.

    Any imput would be greatly appreciated, i need to let my neuro know something today. First round starts Monday morning.


    Do the steroids. It took me so long to get diagnosed that when I did finally get the steroids its after I started getting better. That said I to this day wonder if I would have started the steriods sooner would it have lessened my permanent disability. Don't second guess yourself later by delaying treatment. You could improve your recovery time and reduce long term damage by doing the steriods now rather than not doing it.


      It's my understanding that steroids do not lessen long-term disability. They may shorten a relapse or make temporary symptoms less severe, getting you back to work sooner, but the overall amount of healing will be the same if you just wait it out.


        As horrible as they make you feel, I would do the steroids for 2 reasons... 1) to help reduce inflammation and 2) they shut off your immune system so it stops attacking.
        RRMS 2005, Copaxone since 2007
        "I hope to be the person my dog thinks I am."


          Hi meissie:
          In MS, steroids don't prevent long-term damage or disability, and they don't have any influence over the ultimate outcome of the disease. And certainly they're not going to prevent long-term damage a month after the start of your flare. The damage is already done, and was done weeks ago.

          Steroids are most effective if administered as soon as possible after the start of a flare. But some people have reported benefits even though their steroids weren't started until several weeks afterward. Bear in mind, though, that that's not what usually happens.

          If you're willing to accept the bad effects of the steroids for the chance that you'll feel better enough to go back to work sooner, then having the steroids could be a worthwhile trade-off. If you don't do the steroids, then you have no chance of shortening the relapse vs. a questionable chance if you do. It all comes down to how much risk you're willing to accept for how much benefit, and you're the only one who can make that choice. Whatever you do decide, I hope you feel better soon.


            I spoke with my neuro's office and was told that the steroids could STILL get in there and help.

            Hey at this point even though I'm starting to feel a little bit better TODAY I don't want to take the chance that something else could flare up tomorrow or this could go on for another month or so.

            I'm willing to take the risk with the steroids.After all we take risk everyday with disease.DMD'S,different meds,etc.

            At this point I really don't think it could hurt I REALLy need to get back to work!

            Haven't had steroids in 2yrs. and have always done well with them. I'll being using PRAYER along with the meds In the meantime i will probably need to be thinking about going back on the DMD'S and deciding on which one.

            Thanks so much for everyone's imput it was VERY informative and helpful!



              I don't know if I'm in time to respond before your decision? I had vertigo from Jan-March this year. The longest it has ever lasted. I mostly had it laying in bed and when tilting my head. It was several times a day and led to vomiting. My neuro prescribed antivert. I sat up to sleep in a recliner, hoping to avoid it. When I didn't get better, my neuro recommended iv steroids.

              I looked up a neurotologist in my city and he gave me the best advice. He said that my past strategy of taking antivert, avoiding head movement and waiting for the vertigo to go away was exactly the wrong approach. It was dragging this episode out for weeks instead of days. He recommended vestibular therapy and showed me how to do it myself. Every time I had vertigo I would provoke it 5 additional times right afterward. By the second or third time through that cycle the vertigo didn't repeat 5 times. Maybe 4 or even 3. The important thing was I wasn't avoiding movements. Went against every instinct!

              It only took a couple days and the vertigo is gone. I hope that helps.

