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How do you know...

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    How do you know...

    I had my first big flare up at the end of December 2011 and ended up diagnosed 3/1. Did 3 days IV steroids followed by 15 day of prednisone taper down. I am still having issues with week leg and drop foot, as well as numbness in my opposite hand. How will I know when the flare is over and I am back to normal or to my new normal? Will I even know? I have the option to do another round of IV steroids only this time for 5 days if I don't see any marked improvement by the 2nd of April. Still trying to figure out this new adventure of MS. Thanks.

    So sorry that you are having a flare.

    I can't answer most of your questions, but it is my understanding that generally, the steroids only work well when given at the very beginning of a flare. If given later, they don't help as much as the flare will just take its normal course.

    My doctor told me after my last flare that a flare symptom would have to last for 6 months in order to be considered my new "normal". For me, he felt that my flare (right side weakness/mobility issues) would last about 3-6 weeks. Symptoms subsided after 2 weeks, and continued to get better over the next 4 weeks. I also did some physical and occupational therapy that may or may not have helped my symptoms, but made me feel better overall. I was back to 100% within 8 weeks. So, it sounds like it may be quite awhile before you know.

    Good luck.


      I'm not seeing when you had the IV steroids and taper; if it was at the end of December, your flare should have gotten better by now. I'm also not clear if you have noticed any improvement at all. If the steroid treatment was more recent, well, like cosake said, the steroids are more effective early in the flare, so it would not be surprising that you were still feeling symptoms.

      Because of the increased effectiveness early, I would question throwing more steroids at the flare at this point. Steroids have their own side effects and lingering impact on the body, especially if you use them often, so I suggest you consider an approach of therapies much like cosake mentioned. Of course, only you can measure how intolerable your symptoms are.


        I would wait a year before deciding anything is a "new normal". Even past one year, there can be repair.


          Thank you. The flare began at the end of December, but didn't even get the MRI until 3/1 and diagnosed 3/2. Steroids were done the next week, so beginning of March. I think I will just wait it out and see what happens. I am noticing a little improvement with some unannounced setbacks, for example, last Friday I was walking fine, no issues, walked into the mall to a restaurant and after eating, needed support (balance help) when leaving the restaurant to head back to the car. Obviously, MS has a huge learning curve, or at least it seems that way to me.

