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@ Rest Area 51 Paging ALL MS Newbies Mar 25 '12

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    @ Rest Area 51 Paging ALL MS Newbies Mar 25 '12

    Welcome to Rest Area 51... a special haven our your New MS family for newbies Dx'd w/MS in recent days or years and old-timers that are newbies at heart.

    Spring Break careful on the roads and take plenty of breaks, traffic is a bit heavier around this time of year.

    Take a well deserved break from your travels on the MSuper highway
    pull into a nice cozy shady parking spot, Pitch a tent or just lay out a blanket and enjoy the crisp cool fresh air .
    Help yourself to fresh Cider and donuts. The camp fire is roaring in the open pit ready for hot dogs, marshmallows and smore's Feel free to share your ideas, experiences and support to your fellow newbies. Relax, you are among friends, friends that understand. We have a virtual soap box, feel free to vent anytime.

    Being a newbie can be as scary and lonely as being in limbo, Remember we are you family away from family. The BIG question answered means many more new questions and decisions.

    PLEASE.... Let us know how YOU, a member of our MS newbies family is doing.

    Have a QUESTION? Please don't be shy........
    The only dumb stupid the one NOT asked.

    Take care and hope all our rest area crew are doing well.

    ?How was your Week?........
    ...Good I hope, Any Dr.apts tests etc?

    ? What does April have in store for you?
    ....Any Dr. apts. tests etc.

    Gomer Sir Falls-A-Lot

    Come OUT.....Come OUT...wherever you are!

    Well tomorrow I see a new urologist. Better not get my hopes or expectations set above sea level. So far the debate over my voiding issues is far from over or resolved. One side get a TURP, with no testing to be sure my BPH is even part of the problem. The other side on the issue is its neurogenic bladder.

    I do not want to get a TURP (roto-rooter) surgery only to discover BPH was not least a good portion the problem. It would not surprise me if its a combination of both???

    Hope everyone here is having a good week..

    Gomer Sir Falls-a-lot



      I am hoping that your health is not serious.

      Thank you for your kind call regarding my health.

      I still have my catheter in until Wednesday pending a stupid mistake I made today. I went back on all my regular medications today. ( two of them were wrong.) I took Plavics and aspirin. Within an hour my bag was full of blood and small clots. The anticoagulants turned everything loose. Well I won't be taking those again. The urine in the bag has cleared and things are back to normal.

      By the way did I tell you I was an RN. --- Duhhh.
      I expect a comment from you Gomer.


        By the way did I tell you I was an RN. --- Duhhh.
        I expect a comment from you Gomer.

        Then I shall not disappoint ye.
        Did I ever tell you about the MD that took two different meds, and DESTROYED his own Kidneys?

        What me SERIOUS? surely you jest?

        Gomer Sir Falls-a-lot



          I needed that.



            That is a TRUE story BTW. A MD no less had some kind of kidney infection I think was the issue. He tried one med and it didn't clear it up, so he tried another med in short order.

            He might have been OK IF, he had waited for the first med to clear his system BEFORE the introducing the second med.

            Planning on B N down First week of April

            Gomer Sir Falls-a-lot


              More Problems than back door.

              Saw my primary and urologist. My Primary has a great sense of humor.

              He said he didn't want me to get in trouble at home over the weekend. He gave me an enema kit!!

              Just use it as DIRECTED!

              Now I have to come up with a payback.


              I get my MRI this afternoon. Can't wait for the results.

              Sorry Jman.......
              Ya gonna WAIT like the rest of us.

              Especially because I am getting the electric knitting needles in the brain which is usually a pre-curser of another flair.

              I TOLD U stay away from those needles, they are not TOYS!

              Not that anything can be done with it.

              Would you even IF you could?

              My wife says next time I get one she is taking away my car keys because I tend to roam and get lost and have to call her and direct me home.

              She is letting YOU DRIVE?

              I love the variability of the MonSter.

              JourneyMan....U R ALWAYS in Trouble! If your wife has a hard time keeping Trouble from you, how could your doctor dream of doing such?

              Gomer Sir Falls-a-lot



                All labs, testes, and MRI's done. I think I'm in a do-over. I'll get the results in about a week.

                Now I'm off to clean the pool since it's just about the right temperature. Protects me from the summer heat.


                  So I went to the doc this week... and just like I thought, something was wrong "Down There". I not only have a urinary tract infection, but the TWO WEEKS they made me wait led to a kidney infection. Not a mild one, but one that was 'blatant in-your-face obvious" according to my doctor.


                  So now I get to go on 14 days of antibiotics. Two a day. I get to eat the BRAT diet, and lots of yogurt. I will probably have to deal with a yeast infection, diarrhea, and gods know what else.

                  It is enough to make me want to beat my hospital upside their collective skulls. Twice.

