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How often do you have MRI's?

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    How often do you have MRI's?

    I just scheduled my first follow-up appt with my neuro yep it's been 6 months already!

    I asked if they will be scheduling new MRI's of brain and c-spine, and they said no, dr note from Oct. was to repeat in one year....

    I had new sx in Nov/Dec (hug) and I had a new t-spine MRI, but it seems like they would want to see any changes?

    I also just started a dmd on 1/20/12 if that makes a diff?

    Prob MS 9-14-04; Dx PPMS 9-16-11; RRMS 12-15-11
    Ampyra 10mg 2xday
    Copaxone 1/20/12

    That's a good question.. during my diagnosis i was having MRI's every few months. Now that I am diagnosed.. I would also like to know how often I should expect MRI's.. I want to see whats going on in my head too.
    limbo land for 1 year and 4 months DX February 2012 Copaxon February 2012 for 6 months. No DMD's since.


      I asked my neuro, and he told me that if all is well, he does a brain MRI yearly. He will also do further MRIs of brain, spine, etc. when a flare is suspected based on the presenting symptoms, and he also orders them of the brain only to check after a given amount of time to see if a medicine is working as hoped.

      I'd ask what they think of your new symptoms, and when they will/will not do MRIs between annual scans for a clear picture (ha, a pun!) of what their office procedure is regarding new symptoms, etc. You're probably just fine going a year between scans, but since you have your new symptoms and some questions, you need some answers.


        MRI scans

        I see my neuro twice a year and I have a brain MRI done once a year. The last time I had it done the imaging facility used a 3T machine per my doctor's request. I think once a year MRIs are pretty standard unless there are major symptom changes. Did you ask your neuro about his reasoning for waiting when you mentioned new symptoms? If you just started a new DMD two months ago your body is probably adjusting to the drug and you may still be experiencing new drug side effects not new MS symptoms. Just a thought. Good luck.


          I had a MRI 5 months before I saw my neuro who gave me my DX and I asked him about another one and he told we knew I had MS and a MRI was'nt going to change anything that the important thing was finding something that was going to work to slow it down. At the cost of a MRI I was kind of glad he did'nt want one. In a few months it will be 18 months since the last one and my one year check up.

          I only had lots of brain lesions but with so many new Sx's I'm wondering if he is going to order one, especially with so many problems with my legs. I almost don't want one because of the fear of what it is going to show and the stress that will follow especially if there are any lesions on my spine. It is probally unfounded worry but on the other hand I need to know if the Rebif is doing its job. I'm curious like you have often people have them along what they do if there are new lesions. My past MRI's I went from 5-8 to 40 lesions and progress right along with the lesion count, it has been a slow but steady progression


            I have MRIs with and without contrast yearly, unless something major is going on, then one is usually ordered on the spot.



              My neuro likes them 2x a year. I have no insurance at the moment, so as soon as I get some, he will be ordering one.


                I had one 6 months after starting Copaxone... and there were many more lesions, but Copaxone takes 6 months to fully click in---- soooo my neuro is trying to decide if she wants to wait another 6 months to do another one or do one in 3 months to see if Copaxone is working or if it's time to try something else.
                She said if I'm stable we would only do MRIs every year. So far, not my luck though!
                Diagnosed 7/11/11
                On Copaxone 7/11- 12/13
                On Tecfidera 12/13- current


                  My neuro has me do an MRI once a year since at this point I am stable. I have been with this neuro since April 2010 and that is his strategy. Before him, I had a neuro that only ordered them if I was having problems.


                    My former neuro didn't often prescribe them, mostly because they were costly. So, I had 2 MRIs in 10 years. My new neuro sent me for an MRI once and will follow up in 6 mos to a year.


                      I am curious..Neuros order MRIs to see if DMDs are working..does that mean less Lesions, or less progression of symptoms in this disease?

                      What determines DMDs are working specifically?

                      Thanks, Jan
                      I believe in miracles~!
                      2004 Benign MS 2008 NOT MS
                      Finally DX: RR MS 02.24.10


                        I see my MS specialist twice a year and get MRIs about once a year.

                        Gomer Sir Falls-a-lot


                          Originally posted by mjan View Post
                          I am curious..Neuros order MRIs to see if DMDs are working..does that mean less Lesions, or less progression of symptoms in this disease?

                          What determines DMDs are working specifically?

                          Thanks, Jan
                          Jan -That comment generally means that they're checking on lesion load. Remember, MRIs can't show symptoms .

                          I'm on 18 months between MRIs. My neuro does MRIs to monitor meds (or lack thereof) as well.


                            Originally posted by heliotrope View Post
                            Jan -That comment generally means that they're checking on lesion load. Remember, MRIs can't show symptoms .

                            Yes, I do know MRIs cannot show symptoms.
                            I meant how do they SEE MS progress on an MRI, outside of viewing symptoms on clinical exam?

                            MS can be progressing even if MRI remains the same, right? In other words, the number of lesions does not equal progression.

                            I'm on 18 months between MRIs. My neuro does MRIs to monitor meds (or lack thereof) as well.
                            Ok well if you are NOT on DMDs and there are NO new lesions, what does that mean?
                            Thanks for your responses.
                            I believe in miracles~!
                            2004 Benign MS 2008 NOT MS
                            Finally DX: RR MS 02.24.10


                              Thanks for all the response, it makes me feel better!

                              He ordered the t-spine MRI in December as he said that is where the activity (hug) was coming from.

                              I already have plenty of brain lesions, and a few c-spine to go along with it.

                              It's interesting on how the lesions are affecting the sx...I assume the c-spine is affecting the leg, not sure about the brain ones though.
                              Prob MS 9-14-04; Dx PPMS 9-16-11; RRMS 12-15-11
                              Ampyra 10mg 2xday
                              Copaxone 1/20/12

