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Hello good people, some odd things

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    Hello good people, some odd things

    First of all its been awhile and thought I would say hello and wish you all well.

    Been having some odd problems lately, but been getting slightly and slowly better, but what people's advice

    Ok this all started a few days ago and figured would ask what you all thought.

    Been very hot lately and well normally swell up a bit at the start of summer and so do my ankles, I know odd for a man but hey its amusing. But in anycase my worse foot swelled up first and so did the ankle, very painful and tender at first, but that is mostly gone by now.

    However my other ankle and foot started swelling two days ago and well slightly hurts but pain is very little more normal soreness from using one foot more then the other.

    Also should put had a very deep and harsh cough for the first two days of this, buts gone now though noise has been stuffy some and my dad had a bad cold so wondering if colds and the like can be worse for msers, have had a slight fever though that has gone down also.

    Please forgive any errors or typos, very late here and feel hyper at the moment, plus mix in normal ms stuff.

    In anycase thank you all and god bless.

    I know sinus stuff is really different with MS. I thought the headache etc. was bad before MS. Now the right side of my head feels like it was hit with a large hammer. The ear and eye , and teeth hurt when sinus acts up. I sometimes think everything gets magnified when you have MS.


      Yeah just trying to pin things with ms is trick to do.


        Hi RedTalon I know for me when I get a cold (which isn't very often) it is alot worse than before my ms kicked up into high gear. I get alot weaker and my so called"Frankenstein" walk suffers even more. Things that in the past wouldn't have bothered me, do now, and tend to bring on some stress- which we all know is not good for us MS'ers! Hopes this helps you some. Casino

