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Exacerbation or overdoing it?

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    Exacerbation or overdoing it?

    Last weekend, I spent about 6-7 hours painting our spare room with no problems. This weekend, I spent about 7 hours painting on Saturday with no problems, then went down and finished the room Sunday. By later in the afternoon, I noticed I was getting stiffness and cramping in my legs with just a bit in my back. So, I did some of the exercises from physical therapy.

    By evening, I could hardly move from my chair I was hurting that badly. I took Aleve and it didn't even touch the pain/cramping. I went to bed and every time my husband moved, I hurt. I woke up around 3 am with severe cramping, took a couple of tylenol and got a bit of relief. I'm a little bit better now, but my legs are still sore to the touch if I rub them lightly and it is still painful (though not quite as much) to stand up and walk.

    I have a physical therapy appt for today and a doctors appt for tomorrow. Should I be more concerned? Is this possibly an exaserbation or more likely a result of my overdoing it?

    6-7 HOURS of painting? Wow, I cant do 1 hour of packing for our move coming up. Imo, sounds like you overdid it. I have done that recently myself and my legs became like concrete jello. I started walking like I did when I had my flare. Body pain was bad, nothing helped. I took a couple baclofen and took a nap and when I woke up I felt alittle better. Our body tells us when its had enough, we just have to listen to it. I hope you feel better soon.


      My vote for me would be over did "OD." I do it all the time. usually puts me in bed for a day. You seem to have really OD and if I did that it would put me in bed 2 days. I went to a festival on Sat, laid around in bed sun and I still hurt but I can stay awake. Good luck, think positive.


        Originally posted by woodstock View Post
        Is this possibly an exacerbation or more likely a result of my overdoing it?
        Sounds like you overdid it, woodstock
        Diagnosed 1984
        “Lightworkers aren’t here to avoid the darkness…they are here to transform the darkness through the illuminating power of love.” Muses from a mystic


          I would say overdid it also. That's a lot of work.
          I have been repainting and remodeling my daughter's bedroom also and I can only do a couple of hours at a time or I am down for the evening.
          I should have it finished this weekend and she is so excited about it, so it is worth it to be a little tired and achey.
          Once that is done, it is off to do my bathroom on the main floor. which I will also just take my time on....*sigh*
          DX 10/26/11


            Overdid, definitely. For me, when I overdo at the gym (or yard work or any activity where I turn deep red in the face from being too hot) I pay for it the next two days. Ugh.
            "There are signs everywhere...."
            "Life is wasted if it's not lived as an adventure."

