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Tired to the bone

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    Tired to the bone

    Been having trouble sleeping lately, but I have been managing. Then, about lunch time, the fatigue hit me. I have been just wiped out tired. I can feel it all over. Thing is,I lay down and can't sleep. I just hate it when it hits you out of nowhere.

    I am like that to, its like all I can do to make it to the end of the work day. Doc has increased my B12 and put me on some other vitiams still can't tell much differnce. Hope you (we) find a little of the energy we once had.


      Years ago I didn't understand MS fatigue. All I knew was I'd be out somewhere, even maybe just riding in the car with m husband driving, and all of a sudden I'd feel such fatigue like an invisible weight was holding me down.

      I don't get the sleepy fatigue, not everybody does. I get the body fatigue (sounds like that's what's happening to you.)

      I always equate it to being at the dentist and having them put that lead weight apron on that they used while taking x-rays...then having to lug it around. Or being in a chair, and having some invisible force just hold you down. It's hard to explain.

      But I do know it can hit and hit hard in a moment's time and there's no predicting when it's going to hit.

      I even developed a "plan" for if I was out alone doing errands, and had it the point I didn't think I could drive home. I had family members on alert, that if that happened, they'd have to come drive me home, and we'd worry about getting the car home later.

      Just're not alone.

