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Anybody else have a severe case of mono prior to dx?

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    Anybody else have a severe case of mono prior to dx?

    Hi! My doctor calls me one of his "mono" patients because I had a severe case of mono when I was 17. I missed a month of school, got way too skinny and never really recovered my energy.
    Fast forward 10 years and I get an MS diagnosis I was curious to see if anyone else had a similar story?

    Yes, mono at 17 also and have never been the same....then CMV (another epstein-barre virus) at 21 and then diagnosed MS 19 years later. I feel like I have never recovered from the original diagnosis never got back my energy or felt quite right.

    Feel Well,



      At 22 I got really sick, they thought it was my appendix so they were going to do surgery. The surgeon didn't buy it so they did a blood test and told me it was mono and sent me home. I was out of work about a month. That seemed to be the beginning of all of my problems it was as if it never went away.
      One of my doctors told me it was probably not mono but ms. It is not unusual to get a false positive. Who knows? However I do know mono doesn't cause numbness and tingling or take away your ability to walk whick is what happened to me for about a 6 week period. After that my feeling came back and walking improved but for the next few years I asked the doctors if you could relapse with mono because the symptoms kept coming back. All of them said no. Finally I gave up, quit asking and ignored most of what was going on until I no longer could.


        My story wasn't mono but kind of the same thing, a huge strain on my immune system that made it go kablooey. I had a serious post-surgical staph infection internally. I had to have wound care done for a month where they were literally cleaning my insides out.

        After it went away I was still having low grade temps, dizziness, extreme fatigue, etc. So they kept culturing me and finding no more bacteria. I think the infection was just the final straw that sent me over into full blown PPMS. I have never really recovered.
        I don't fall, the floor attacks me. The corner of the bed is in on it too.


          I also had a bad case of mono around 17 and also around 21. I was told at that time, I will always carry the virus in my system. So one has to wonder if there is a link between it and MS.


            I had mono as a teenager too!


              In 2002 I was hospitalized with a really bad infection, my body went septic. I was in ICU for 7 days and barely made it through.

              After that I had never been the same either and thats when all the symptoms of MS started. I was officially dx'd in 2011.
              Love, Laugh, this order
              Dx'd 2-24-11 - Baclofen 60 mg/day 5-11, LDN 4.5 mg/day 9-24-11, Cymbalta 60mg/day for pain 11-11


                No Mono here.... but an interesting parallel.

                I had a sore throat
                , the throat got better, but I felt horrible. A few weeks later I was hauled by meat-wagon to the hospital ER and admitted for diabetes...........woopie!

                Some forms of diabetes
                are auto-immune, MS is also an auto-immune disease. What I learned is AI diseases are often connected or triggered by an illness.

                There is another connection
                (possible/probable) between diabetes and MS, there is joint research going on in that ring by a MS org & JDRF.

                Gomer Sir Falls-a-lot


                  Yes I to had mono very bad case but I was 14 or 15



                    I too had mono at age 18. I am now 55 . I was diagnosed last fall but started with MS symptoms and brain lesions at age 49. It just took 6 years to figure it all out. My MS nurse did mention a link between a history of mono and developing MS. But of course we all know people who have had mono and have not developed ? Not sure what to say about this. It's just interesting that we all share this info and compare our medical histories for the purpose of looking for patterns in MS patients.



                      Mono at age 17--lost 6 weeks in bed--as a child always had strep throat, fevers and lots of virial infections.

                      Many people get mono and don't know it. It can present in a mild form and they just walk thru it. My daughter at age 17 was just tired a lot--I had her tested because of my experience and she had it--but nothing like mine.


                        I had what my doctor believed was mono when I was 16 or so too. Now, 10 years later I'm diagnosed with MS...interested.


                          I had mono at 17 with strept throat and sinus infection. Three days in the hospital and about two weeks of missed school.


                            I had mono and strep throat at the same time when I was 14...missed a month of school. When I was a kid I was constantly sick as well.

                            After that, I got sick a ton for years after that. I mean cold after cold, upper resp infections, UTI's, etc. Then all of the sudden I stopped getting sick and for the few years before my MS dx, I didn't even catch a cold.

                            Then MS dx...3-4 cold/flu things since July. It's super annoying . All I want is my damn Jamba Juice with my "immunity boost"...but, noooo can't mess with my immune system. I wish we could just replace our immune systems when they misbehave
                            dxd RRMS 7/2011 - Rebif 8/2011 - Tecfidera 7/2013


                              Since mono is caused by the Epstein Barr Virus and I think the stats from the CDC state that 95% of all people between 30 and 45 test positive for EPV they certainly have their hands full determining a direct correlation between mono, epv and ms. EPV came out positive on my LP.
                              A question that sometimes drives me hazy: am I or are the others crazy?
                              Albert Einstein

