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Pep Talk

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    Pep Talk

    Just wanted to share this, maybe some of you can relate...

    Even tho I find myself physically challanged alot, my mind is still somewhat intact (ha-ha)

    Seems like there are many times I take the easy way out and tell myself that it is just too hard to do certain things, but in reality, these things are still do-able, only in a different way. They may take me longer to do, or I might have to compensate and do them differently than pre ms days.

    Some days are easier than others. I realize that no one can be happy and upbeat all the time, but I know that I just don't try hard enough. And in the long run.... there is NO-WAY I want ms to think it's getting the best of me. No one and nothing can take away my sense of humor... not unless I let it. And we can't have that, now can we??

    ABSOLUTELY NOT. Stephan Hawkings was asked "Whats the biggest mystery in the universe you haven't figured out"? His reply : "women". MS ain't taking my howbeit stupid , sense of humor.
    By the way the answer is THEY ARE SMARTER THAN MEN


      Kathy, that was so well said and just what I needed to hear. I like how you worded this whole post, simple, no bs and to the point. I shall replay your words in my head when I feel a pity party coming on.
      RRMS 2005, Copaxone since 2007
      "I hope to be the person my dog thinks I am."


        I was the same way and I said NO more, I make myself do things not to the extent of over doing but I refuse to let this thing get the best of mme.

