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Weird temperature fluctuation

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    Weird temperature fluctuation

    The last week or so, I've had a weird temperature fluctuation going on. After I go to bed, I'll be snuggled into the covers, nice and warm, when all of a sudden, I'll be freezing cold and shivering. The weird thing is, I won't have moved, so it's not like I'm letting cold air under the covers. I'll just be warm one minute, then freezing the next. I've never had anything like this happen before, but it occurs several times a night.

    I actually bought an electric blanket, thinking it might help, but the first morning after using it on the lowest setting, I woke up with bad tremors, muscle spasms, and blurred vision. When I tried it the next night, the same thing happened again, so I guess I can't use electric blankets at all, even on low.

    Can neurological problems mess with your temperature regulation?
    Joy is not the absence of suffering. It is the presence of God.
    Cut aspartame from my diet in 2012 and my symptoms have slowly disappeared. Interesting!
    Alpha Lipoic Acid (200 mg) + Acetyl L-carnitine (1,000 mg) = No more fatigue for me!

    More than a few times I get so cold my teeth start chattering. Starts almost in a instant but takes a long time to warm up. I can't answer your ? but am glad you asked. Wait with you for answer.


      I actually tend to have the same thing (and have had it for a couple years now). It doesn't happen to me all the time but every so often I'll go to bed cold with comforter and extra blanket, wake up sweating and kick them off, and then wake up again shivering with cold. I just assumed it was me all this time, so it'll be nice if someone does have an answer.


        I am the opp. I go from fine to just a terrible sweat....would love to figure out why


          I too have this problem. One minute I am perfectly comfortable only to get chilled to the bone.

          At times I do however, will wake up chilled to the bone to find that I have had an apparent episode of night sweats.

          Nothing like my own internal thermostat being off kilter.


            I too have the same problem. Seems like it takes forever to warm up. Then when I finally warm up, I go back to freezing just as fast. I too would be interested to know what is going on. I thought it was just me.


              I have this at times but never really attributed it to MS. I sleep with a sheet a rather thick blanket. I think the blanket is too thick and unless the room is chilly, it warms me up too much and I get hot. When I throw the blanket off, then I get cold as the sheet is too thin. Sometimes if I have the blanket half on and half off, things are ok. I should probably get a thinner blanket, and add a quilt when it is especially cold.


                I have this also and it is just driveing me crazy right now. I have know idea what causes it.

                I am glad that i am not the only one.


                  This is a bit long, but it is sort of what you are talking about. I use to wake up during the night and think I was having a panic attack.

                  I would be disoriented and feel as though the walls were closing in on me... This happen on and off for several months and the doctor thought it was just nerves (the generic answer for I don't know what it is).

                  So, one night when it happen I decided to take my temperature, it was 95.4 at the time... no wonder I was having issues...

                  I learned if I warmed up slowly, usually took about 30 minutes, the whole thing went away.

                  About six months later they discovered I had a very low vitamin D, I believe the count was 6... They put me on a presribed suppliment and after about 90 days I noticed I didn't have the low temp issue any more... (though the issue was not related to being placed on vitamin D)

                  I have been on the vitamin D for over 2 years now and only once have I had this come back.

                  I don't know if this has anything to do with what you are experiencing, but for me it was strange, that my temp would drop (and I tried the electric blanket too, and it made it worse, like my body just quite regulating temp if I was under an electric blanket) and once the vitamin D started, it eventually quite...

                  Hope you feel better and able to cure the issue.


                    Thanks everyone. Even if we don't know what is going on, at least I'm in good company.

                    In my case, NCStargazer, I doubt if it's low Vitamin D. I've been taking 10,000 IU a day for months now, and at my last checkup, my level was 36, which is up from the 26 it was last year (my doctor wants it above 40 though.)

                    It's just weird though to be totally warm and suddenly, for no reason, be freezing and shivering. I've often started out warm and got too hot, kicked the cover off, then got cold again. But this is one second I'm warm, the next I'm like ice. Very odd!
                    Joy is not the absence of suffering. It is the presence of God.
                    Cut aspartame from my diet in 2012 and my symptoms have slowly disappeared. Interesting!
                    Alpha Lipoic Acid (200 mg) + Acetyl L-carnitine (1,000 mg) = No more fatigue for me!


                      My MS doc wants Vit D level ABOVE 50!!

                      So do not settle, putting up with signs/symptoms when you could be getting relief.

                      Good luck, Jan
                      I believe in miracles~!
                      2004 Benign MS 2008 NOT MS
                      Finally DX: RR MS 02.24.10

