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@ Rest Area 51 Paging ALL MS Newbies Jan 29 '12

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    A game I play

    Its called denial.


      Gomer- I'm so sorry to hear you've been having such a rough time. I hope you get better soon and that your pain is tolerable while your on the mend. I'm happy to see you back on here. Take care of yourself.

      I just got back from Memphis late last night. It turned out to be a wonderful trip. My MS behaved itself for once. It only acted up on the last day but I did have to sprint to catch my connecting flight. lol. I'm glad to be home but it was an awesome experience. I can't wait to go back again. Such a wonderful place.

      I had my first MRI since being dx last Thursday before I left but I haven't heard anything from my neuro yet. I'm trying not to worry but I don't accept the whole no news is good news. I called today but I haven't heard back yet. Oh well. I got everything worked out with getting my meds before I left.

      I hope everyone is doing well and enjoy your weekend.


        Oh I am very careful

        I am just very clumsy and freak out with spiders on me.



          Can you say "exterminator"? Cheaper than a trip to the hospital, and far more comfortable than landing on the side of the pool and taking a dip in what is probably cold water. Besides you're helping the economy, keeping someone other that the DR's (they enough of our $$) working.


            Oh I hear Ya Campbell...

            BUT how is Journeyman going to ever complete his book titled the Miis-Adventures of JourneyMan? I mean ya can't write a book without the experiences to write about.....HaHa.

            I got out today and DROVE to the grocery & gas. Sure was SORE when I got back, but I was able to get my scooter out and back OK,a little uncomfortable but OK. I am going to back off for a couple days, then I ahve a meeting I do not want to miss come Wednesday.....



              SUSAN 9999

              I am an RN and held people down for Spinal and it looks really terrable. But when I went for one I was really surprised that it was not as bad as what it looked. I know it is easy for me to say but just relax your abdomen and back and it will be over. Of course it is different for everybody but here's wishing yours goes well. I will be thinking of you.


                Well Jman...... I doubt even you AND King Kong could have held me down for my LP (couple years ago).

                I requested fluoroscope and was done at the VAMC, no problem. However when they TRIED, they ended up having me put under. Other than that it went well, no problems afterwards, just usual general anesthesia recovery. No spinal headache either.

                A few years before that, my foot doc had sent me to a neuro because he found profound weakness in my left leg, no surprise to me.

                That neuro did an EMG (i think its called) using needles. ON side I tolerated reasonably well, but my other side was a whole nuther ball game, very very painful. It puzzled the neuro, but he found nothing causing the problem either. No further testing etc was done, he was not about to bother seeking the cause of my obvious leg weakness.

                It was a couple years later, a new eye doc opened the MS can-o-worms and a few more neuros later, testing got done and a slam dunk of long standing MS Dx. I have no clue if the one side being allergic to pain being MS related or something else.

                What the heck, my body has always been a bit unique, truly one-of-a-kind, probably somewhat true with the MS ballpark even. Even my diabetes Hx is a bit weird.

                BTW Jman,,how is your book doing? (HaHa)

                GOMER not being a ham or a bird,
                ...........................I never did fit PIGeon holes anyway


