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quick question for everyone

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    quick question for everyone

    I have been wondering about this for a while now. Since finding out that I have MS I have dropped a lot of weight and don't seem to gain any back (I know not a big problem ) But I was wondering if anyone else had this happen. I've thinking that it some to do from the stress and things like that.
    Thanks for taking the time to read. Appreciate any responses to the question.
    "When you listen to somebody else, whether you like it or not, what they say becomes part of you"-- David Bohm

    I lost 35 lbs. last year and my dx was in March, but I think it's just a coincidence (and I'm pretty sure I could gain it back! )...
    1st sx 11/26/09; Copaxone from 12/1/11 to 7/13/18


      I've put on alot of weight

      and I eat less. I'm tired all the time and sleep quite a bit. I get no exercise so that may be the reason. I've been under a tremendous amount of stress last few years.


        Me too!

        After a recent flare I had the same problem! I asked my neuro about it and he said it could be related. My flare has resolved but during this time I changed my diet since I was worried and now I eat very healthy. I now fit into things I wore in high school (and I haven't gained anything back).

        I do worry a little about the fact that if I'm not careful I start losing more weight again (not healthy to lose anymore at this point) so I supplement with meal replacement shakes when I go below a certain number. I honestly don't seem to have the same appetite that I did and some things that I used to enjoy eating don't taste right now.


          God Bless you for posting this

          Me, too. I am 5' tall and since New Year's, I dropped 14 pounds so far and I'm still shaving off pounds. I am in the obese category and now I eat much less.

          The desire is not there to overfill my stomach like before. I have to be honest, I am pleased with this. Since I never could drum up any self control before, perhaps my lesser interest in food will be to my benefit.

          I feel it can only help with my mobility issues. I still eat the same number of meals per day, just a lot less at each sitting.
          Dx: 2/3/12. 6-8 lesions right medulla/cervical spine. GLATIRAMER ACETATE 40 mg 1/19, medical marijuana 1/18. Modafinil 7/18, Women's multivitamin, Caltrate + D3, Iron, Vitamin C, Super B Complex, Probiotics, Magnesium, Biotin.


            lost 50#

            Diagnosed 11 months ago.... totally lost my appetite right around when I was diagnosed.

            On Beta now, and my appetite is coming back. I attribute it to a lesion in my brain that indicates hunger. I feel hunger now, did not feel it for the 11 months since diagnosis.

            Healing is a double edged sword for this one symptom.
            You are in the driver's seat, but God is holding the map


              After my big flair last year I lost 45 pounds, I had been having about a 40lb swing in my weight for a while, so I have 2 sets of pants, but after losing all that weight and it is almost a year now I barely gained back 10 pounds, I think it is related to my Fatigue issue as when it is in high gear my appetite is gone and it is like I have to force feed me so I'm getting some kind of food in me. Sorry your having problems Good luck and hope things work out


                I feel it can only help with my mobility issues. I still eat the same number of meals per day, just a lot less at each sitting.[/QUOTE]

                Lisa, I have to agree with you on it being a good thing in the respect to mobility. I was about 300 lbs when I was ed's and I'm 162 lbs at last weigh in. I can move much better and I am in better shape now then before I was dxd

                Thanks for the reply, David
                "When you listen to somebody else, whether you like it or not, what they say becomes part of you"-- David Bohm


                  i`ll trade!!!!! i`ve been dx for 12 years, and i just gain. i watch my intake of food and it`s mostly good food. i`m also diabetic for 40 years and know how to count carbs and calories. i`ve started a new exercise and diet plan, so we``ll see. no loss or gain when i was first dxed either.
                  MS World
                  PPMS DX 2001

                  "ADAPT AND OVERCOME" - MY COUSIN


                    Hunter, I've heard both sides of this story all over the place, some people losst, some gaoned and the some stages the same. One ting that I want to say that it is for me is the fact that there are many food I can't eat any longer.

                    I just have to get that through to my PCP so I won't get any more grief about the ammount of weight I have lost, all the blood work is great and I no longer have pre- diabetes any longer.
                    "When you listen to somebody else, whether you like it or not, what they say becomes part of you"-- David Bohm


                      I lost some due to depression. I just wasn't hungry for a while.


                        I lost 35 lbs and got down to 130 lbs. I believe mine was due to stress and depression. Back normal now after steriods.


                          I wish I would lose the weight. Im not so mobile anymore. I walk with a walker and take the motorized cart when shopping and when Im home Im either sitting on the sofa or laying down in bed.

                          So, not alot of movement equals weight gain. I get worried because my mobility is limited do to MS and I dont want to make it worse with weight gain.


                            Sadly, I am one of the ones who has gained 30 pounds. At 180 pounds I feel like a whale trying to swim in shallow water. I try to walk for exercise but by the time I get home I am too depressed to make myself. I mostly just want to sleep!


                              I've lost weight too. I'm too tired to eat, too tired to cook. i just live on Ensure and ice cream. I wasn't overweight so now I'm too thin. At least steroids bring back my appetite. i can store up enough winter fat.

