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Now what?

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    Now what?

    was dx in 99 after just one attack, I tried the interferons for a short while but the side effects were worse then the MS symptoms(I wasn't having any) I was on a bunch of meds for other things but I thought they were causing what looked like an MS attack. I came off all the meds, symptoms went away, then other new ones started. I had already told my neurologist no meds (they wanted me to start gilenya). Stupid move.
    My question is it is midnight, I'm in pain my leg is on fire and I'm having vertigo. Is there anything an ER can do for me or is that a waste of time. I think technically this would be my 2nd attack and I'm not sure what I should do.
    Can someone give me some guidance? Thanks

    Well, all they're likely to give you is steroids. Is it a long way to the hospital? Can you ride it out until the morning?
    It's always darkest before the dawn.


      Hi Funny Farm:
      Only your second attack in twelve years? An ER doc might (with heavy emphasis on the might) Rx IV steroids for you, but also might not, and refer you back to your neurologist, since MS attacks generally aren't emergencies.

      Your best bet might be to contact the neurologist with whom you discussed Gilenya, since that had to have been a relatively recent conversation. If you absolutely can't stand the pain and vertigo, you can take your chances in the ER. Otherwise, call your neurologist first thing Monday morning. Good luck!

