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Sick and tired of being sick and tired

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    Sick and tired of being sick and tired

    I am so very sick of it, but what can you do...just push through it right! People need you to be the rock, to get you to school, make lunches. Get the laundry done, clean the house, make dinner. Sew Cub Scout Patches on uniforms, Sign Permission slips, grocery shop. Visit Grandma in the Nursing home. Plan a Play-date. Make Doctor's Appointments. Oh shoot I need a Oil-Change..I can fit that in right....

    I got this....I only have a disease that slows me down a tad ooooo it is on 0degrees out today with the windchill My 5 and 7 year old boys keep me on my toes

    I have not slept in DAYS because I am not tolerating any medication for my leg pain I am so much pain. Last night I started Gabapentin (sp?) but it didn't help YET so I am hopeful that is will in a few day or when I am up to higher dose in a few weeks.

    My Husband is the best and helps me out as much as he can but he is working a lot so I am solo a lot in the is my life...I hate to vent to him so I guess I am venting here...sorry you all get to hear about it

    I know there are some of you out there who are in the same boat as me right now...and I know some of you were there at one time (I should also say I would NOT change it because my kids are growing SO fast and I am going to blink and they are going to grown and out of the house....then I will be wishing I had something to do)

    I totally understand what you are saying...women have to multitask and cope the best we can. Next week my daughter is having major surgery and guess who gets to stay with the 3 grandchildren. Six months ago I would have cherished the opportunity, but lately, I don't know, things are changing and not for the best. The pain is getting harder to control and the weakness in both my arms and hands seems to be almost constant. Obviously, you have to look after yourself, otherwise, who will look after your children. I have a new saying this past week " I will do what I can when I can...and the rest... will still be there when I think I can. I have no answers, but, I just want to wish you the best, and please, look after yourself.


      Originally posted by quilterella View Post
      I totally understand what you are saying...women have to multitask and cope the best we can. Next week my daughter is having major surgery and guess who gets to stay with the 3 grandchildren. Six months ago I would have cherished the opportunity, but lately, I don't know, things are changing and not for the best. The pain is getting harder to control and the weakness in both my arms and hands seems to be almost constant. Obviously, you have to look after yourself, otherwise, who will look after your children. I have a new saying this past week " I will do what I can when I can...and the rest... will still be there when I think I can. I have no answers, but, I just want to wish you the best, and please, look after yourself.
      Thank you, I hope your daughter is well and recovers fast. I had a pitty party and a good cry in front of my doggy lol and I am all better LOL went on about my day. Sometimes it just feels better to write it all down and have a good cry every now and again. Got what I need to get done today, making a good healthy dinner for the family Homework is done....and you are right, the stuff I don't get to will still be there tomorrow you know the laundry will be

      Thank you for responding!!


        Complete sympathy

        I did a double take when I saw the title of your thread. I thought it was mine! I now realize that was the last post I put on facebook!
        Honestly, though, you are in good company. Plus, you are still able to do more than I can, at this point. I've had plenty of good cries in front of my dog in the past several months, too.

        My biggest help has been my parents coming up to stay with us and help. It's too much for my dh, now. I'm practically bedridden, but managing to get myself downstairs (barely,& sometimes that's on my bottom).Going up is becoming a crawl. Of course, this is following a hospital stay, and includes a prednisone taper plus adjusting to thyroid medication.
        So, I understand where you are because I've been there and am feeling that way again.

        I highly encourage you to find some help; family, a reasonable housekeeper (even if just once a week), or kind neighbors/church friends. In order to be the best wife/mom you can be, you are going to have to accept help where & when you can get it.
        Hang in there, my friend.



          I see people mentioning a good cry with their dog. Dogs are wonderful for that. They just take it all in and don't talk back. They are a live teddy bear. I don't know what I'd do without mine.


            Dogs are wonderful! I have 7!

            I got my first Chihuahua after my first attack and...I accumulated more.
            Dx RRMS 2008/Kesimpta Feb 2023
            UNbalanced Dog Trainer - Accredited pet dog training instructor


              Ohhh can I relate!

              Glad that you got your good cry in. That always helps.

              You are definitely NOT alone! I am a single mom to a 2 year old that I can't keep up with. Right now I am *barely* scraping by energy wise, enough to keep us fed and to the bathroom. I dread grocery shopping, I dread doing anything because I just don't have the energy.

              The other day I was completely crashed by fatigue and my little girl was screaming at me to get off of the couch. I couldn't. I was too weak. She was hitting my face and I was too weak to grab her hand and tell her no. I just started sobbing my eyes out. My kid was sobbing. We both sat there and cried. This is my life now.

              **** MS.
              Diagnosed Aug. 2011 - Currently on Tysabri


                Thank you for your reply's, I was thinking....I am glad these little boys need their mama so much because it keeps me on my toes and I am grateful that I am able to run after them....even if it hurts like hell I am grateful I am busy and able to keep up with it!!!


                  The Mama Club

                  Hi Friends,

                  I also did a double take b/c it's so similar to where I'm at right now. I'm sorry you're all going through this - I'm sorry I'm going through this. It's just HARD. I lean hard on God and am grateful that He's with me - and my children.

                  Today is one of those days. Heidi, Thank you for venting to us. While I'm terribly sorry that you have to go through this, I'm grateful to know I'm not alone in my feelings. Your post blessed me. Does that make sense?



                    I can totally relate to your post in everyway. I wanted to tell I take Gabapentin for my leg pain and it does seem to help now. I have upped the dosage and now take it in the am and in the pm. I hope its starting to help you.

