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Sick... pseudoflare or going into flare?

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    Sick... pseudoflare or going into flare?

    Got wiped out by a virus this week. Had a fever which made my MS symptoms worse (like usual).

    Been fever free and feeling semi-alive for over 24 hours, but the MS symptoms haven't gone back to my normal. My left hand/arm is completely numb and my right hand is semi-numb. Usually my right side is normal and my left side is semi-numb so to have this extra numbness, especially above my waist is a little disconcerting.

    How long technically could it be the after effects of the fever? When should I call my neuro? I'm not diagnosed- I'm in a gray area, so who knows if she will treat me with anything anyway.

    My normal pseudo-flares tend to last only until I cool down and only involve old symptoms. To have new numbness (especially when I'm already have numb) is frustrating.

    doing the Limbo since 2005