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help! i'm on overload or something!

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    help! i'm on overload or something!

    anyone else felt like this and what did you do?

    i'm having an aversion to getting on the computer.
    i log into my email acct. see that there's 40 new ones and just log out. i get on MSW and do a little reading, some moderating and then get off.

    i've gone days without even picking up my laptop!

    highly unusual for me. plus i'm having trouble concentrating, remembering facts from names to what day it is and what was it that DH said was so important for me to do!

    it's driving me nuts. i can read (not on computer) and concentrate just fine, i'm doing wii games that involve mind and body. it's been going on for weeks and i keep thinking i'll get over it.
    i'm getting a full night's sleep so that's not the problem. the only change in meds is 200 mg provigil but isn't that suppose to HELP YOU? i have more energy, but not the mind to do paperwork or computer work.

    sorry so long, just frustrated and venting!

    any suggestions would be appreciated.
    "All things are possible for those who believe." Jesus


    Did you notice the problem before starting Provigil? If not you might consider not using Provigil for 2 or 3 days to see if there is any difference.

    I have had the problem you are describing. There have been different causes: Medications, Depression, and personal problems. All of those things can make concentrating or even dealing with the simplest things seem overwhelming.

    In any event, if there is not a cause you can pinpoint then it might be a good idea if you bring this to the attention of your neuro or PCP.
    Diagnosed 1984
    “Lightworkers aren’t here to avoid the darkness…they are here to transform the darkness through the illuminating power of love.” Muses from a mystic


      Originally posted by poohb3ar View Post
      it's driving me nuts. i can read (not on computer) and concentrate just fine, i'm doing wii games that involve mind and body. it's been going on for weeks and i keep thinking i'll get over it.
      i'm getting a full night's sleep so that's not the problem. the only change in meds is 200 mg provigil but isn't that suppose to HELP YOU? i have more energy, but not the mind to do paperwork or computer work.
      First off I am sorry you are going through this. I think it is your med. I had a medication break-down yesterday myself. In fact I have gone through two over the past few months.

      I have gone on the Government website and Provigil can indeed cause some of the problems you are listing.

      Recommend you call your doctor first thing in the morning for advice. They can make this better.



        Sounds like it might be the Provigil.
        Steroids have a similar effect on me.
        So does too much stress and anxiety.
        Hope you feel better.


          I get that way at times too. my neuro last time changed my ad and everything was better. Hope you figure it out, we miss you.
          MS World

          PPMS DX 2001



            oh, i hope it's not the provigil. they took me off it for a few days because of wheezing and breathing problems (rare side effect) it wasn't the cause, just my bad lungs.
            but the time i was off it iwent back into sleeping beauty mode of sleeping 14+ hrs a day. not good

            i'll just keep trying to push through. if it doesn't clear up soon guess i'll ask neuro.

            thanks for the advice! ya'll are super!!!
            "All things are possible for those who believe." Jesus

