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Does it sound like MS?

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    Does it sound like MS?

    Hello all!
    I am quite new to this forum and the ms world. I am not diagnosed yet and would like to tell you about my symptoms and see if someone will comment on wether they sound like ms symptoms or if they behave in an ms kind of way. Sorry for the very long description! My doctors have not asked about details like this, how long the symptoms have lasted and how they have developed. I will have the visual evoked response test soon. One doctor thought my MRI showed signal changes that merited ruling out ms, but another thought not. They didn't use contrast. I think they ruled out almost anything else now, with blood tests. Headaches have been my biggest problem but for the past year especially other symptoms are coming along with them. Some of them I know from before, but many are new.

    This is the story of the past year:
    February: After really good 3 months, headaches started abruptly one morning and came every day for 2 months. I had horrible two weeks with exhaustion and difficulties thinking, and then very slowly the headaches became less severe. A couple of weeks into february I got for the first time tingling, pins and needles and vibration, first in the palm of left hand, which started suddenly, and then the following days both hands and both soles of feet. Single pinpricks that where stronger and hurt a bit, started in the left palm and soon came anywhere on the body. I donīt remember exactly how the pins and needles developed, but I remember that the tingling was never the same throughout a hole day, some days where worse than others, and it was worse when I had exerted myself. It never travelled up the arm or leg. One day my left foot started moving upwards by itself (no pain, about half a minute) and when it stopped I got pins and needles on the sole of that foot and the muscle on the front of the lower leg was stiff and sore.
    In april I had a couple of weeks with partially changing patches of numb skin all over my body. Not complete numbness, but the kind where I could hardly feel a light touch, as if there was a film over the skin. In april my eyesight also got blurry, there were a few very blurry days and then it got slowly better. I have had periods with blurry eyesight before, sometimes for a longer time, but never as blurry as now. As with the pins and needles, it was never exactly the same throughout the day. I had some problems with hand tremor and being clumsy/un-smooth movements of my hands. Not so much that anyone else would notice, but it bothered me in the kitchen, when writing and buttoning a shirt.

    In May, everything was getting better, headaches, pins and needles and my sight and movements. In the end of June headaches suddenly got worse again. In the end of July and in August my bladder was very overactive (this has happened before) and I would sometimes loose a bit of urine.

    Headaches and bladder was better from the middle of September until the end of October. Then the headaches came back. Pins and needles came back, but not as strong as before and now only in the left sole and palm. I had big problems with thinking and concentration in the beginning of November, for a couple of weeks. Again the exhaustion and I got a feeling of the left leg and arm being heavier than the right. Started to have action tremor, worse than before (more on the left side) and again un-smooth and un-precise movements, especially of left hand/fingers, especially ring-, and pinky finger. Some days I felt generally very weak and for a couple of days my hole left side felt weak and jellylike, and the left side of my face was itchy, tingly and shaky. Since then I sometimes have dull aching in the left leg.
    One evening I had 'restless leg' problems in my right leg and arm. I have had problems with this before, sometimes for a few days in a row (most often during the day) and most often the hole body is involved, like irritation all over. Now I feel like the eyesight changes constantly, one day fine, the next blurry, worse when I'm tired. Also my hand shaking and pins and needles are different every day, some good days, some worse days.
    I'm sure I am forgetting something. Again sorry for the long post, and my best wishes to everyone here!

    Not sure, myself.

    I can't make a diagnosis, but you definitely have some symptoms of MS (numbness, pin pricks). Of course, there are many other auto-immune diseases out there that can mimic some of the same symptoms as MS.

    You say you have lots of headaches. The loss of vision could be optic neuritis, though it doesn't usually come and go. You get a blurry spot in your eye that doesn't go away. At least that's how mine was.

    Sorry I couldn't be of more help. Welcome to the forum. You will find lots of nice people and valuable info here.

    Stay in touch and let us know what happens.


      One thing in your post jumped out at me...when you wrote you had been told MS has to be excluded. I don't think MS can ever be excluded, ms is one of those disease thats just is the opposite--everything else has to be excluded and after everything else it could be is excluded then its ms.
      MS is called the great mimicker for a reason. Because its symptoms mimic so many other conditions.

      You describe symptoms that could be MS alone OR could be something else alone OR a could be caused by a combination of other things====OR could be caused by a combination of other things with MS in the mix.

      Doc's don't get paid a lot of money for no reason.

      MS is a very difficult diagnosis to make. If you go to my home page(you can find a link to my home page if you click on my login name) I post links to articles i find helpful & on 12/17/2011 I posted a link to
      Diagnosing MS--- The Road to Symptoms and Signs to Certainty

      That article was written by a doc at the Rocky Mountain MS Center, you might find that helpful. In it he discusses the fact that a large amount are found to have MS while headaches are being investigated, a significant amount that perhaps headache should be considered an intial MS symptom.

