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    Does noise bother anyone? I can hardly stand it when my husband has the tv so loud I can barely contain myself. I have to put in ear plugs (without him knowing) because it drives me crazy. The sign in sheet at work is right outside my office door and it gets so loud out there every morning I just have to get up and take a walk. (Would never tell anyone that at work) I just love peace and quiet. Is this MS or just me?

    i don`t mind the at first, but it quickly turns into too much. i think i`m trying to pay attention to everyone at the same time and i get overstimulated. hope that helps some.
    MS World
    PPMS DX 2001



      Loud noise does bother me too Lexie. Like it nice and quiet.
      I have extremely good hearing so what's loud to me is rarely loud to others. For sure, though, the loud noise is an aggravation to my MS.


        Getting overstimulated by sound is a fairly common symptom of MS. Loud noises, sudden noises, conversations with multiple participants...all can cause a problem for us.

        The earplugs are a good idea! Maybe you could explain the situation to your husband so he understands it's the MS, not just you being picky?


          Noise makes me nuts Sudden volume increase, like commercials on TV, or loud sudden bangs instantly make me really anxious/agitated.
          At weddings, my Aunts would poke me in the ribs and cackle "You're next!". They stopped when I started doing the same to them at funerals. Dave Barry


            I agree! I will go through several days of noise sensitivity. It gets to the point during this time that even my own voice sends the "nails on a chalkboard" feeling down my spine and to every remote part of my body...even the nerves in my teeth feel it. GRRRR

            Interesting enough is that I have realized... is that my ears are always ringing. They ring (or I hear them) louder during these episodes. Since I am still a limbo-er not sure if this is an MS thing. I can tell you that it is a neurological problem though!


              I also have constantly ringing ears so I hate absolute silence, but also hate too much noise as my ears ring louder too. It's strange to me that loud noises bother me because it otherwise seems l ike my hearing is bad because I can't hear or I misunderstand what people are saying and I get absolutely confused and anxious when more than one person is talking! I am not diagnosed either, so not sure what's going on but I dislike it very much
              I'm a mother, a wife, a nurse, and a graduate student... I guess it COULD be stress!


                Noise can definitely drive me out of my mind. I always have 2 Xanax with me. If the noise gets too bad and I feel like I am going to blow a gasket I take a Xanax and relax. Before long the noise does not bother me. I am not sure if that is the best way to handle it but it works for me.
                Dx'd 4/1/11. First symptoms in 2001. Avonex 4/11, Copaxone 5/12, Tecfidera 4/13 Gilenya 4/14-10/14 Currently on no DMT's, Started Aubagio 9/21/15. Back on Avonex 10/15

                It's hard to beat a person that never gives up.
                Babe Ruth


                  Noise intolerance is definitely an MS symptom. I noticed years before my diagnosis that when we got in my husband's truck and the stereo came on loud I would flip out. It was like a physical attack.

                  Now I am at the point where I can't stand even two people talking normally at the same time. It is a processing disorder where my brain gets overwhelmed with too much information at once.

                  But just knowing that it is happening and why helps me to deal with it better. If it is something new it is worth mentioning to your neuro. But I'm not sure what can be done about it, sorry.
                  I don't fall, the floor attacks me. The corner of the bed is in on it too.



                    I find myself turning off the tv now. I never would have done that years ago, but silence is golden sometimes! I'm not so sure it is part of age for me, too.


                      Noise can drive me nuts! sometimes even the sound of the dogs walking on the wood floor will grate on me. Usually it's not that bad, but a noisy restaurant, a room with multiple conversations happening at once, or the radio on can bother me. My last stay in the hospital the noise bothered me so badly I asked for earplugs and eventually for some Ativan because it was making me feel panicky.


                        Noise rarely bothers me.

                        I love loud music, I really don't know how to have music at a low's been like this all my life. I love to hear the engines of race cars and muscle cars. I love the commotion of kids, teenagers and young adults.

                        I have times when peace and quiet is wonderful but loud can be just as wonderful.
                        Diagnosed 1984
                        “Lightworkers aren’t here to avoid the darkness…they are here to transform the darkness through the illuminating power of love.” Muses from a mystic


                          Does noise bother anyone? I can hardly stand it when my husband has the tv so loud I can barely contain myself. I have to put in ear plugs (without him knowing) because it drives me crazy. The sign in sheet at work is right outside my office door and it gets so loud out there every morning I just have to get up and take a walk. (Would never tell anyone that at work) I just love peace and quiet. Is this MS or just me?

                          I have the same problem hear things no one else does.Feel like i have bat ears.


                            I so appreciate these posts and replies...

                            I love it when I come on here to read some of the posts and one of them so fits me to a "T". I too can't handle loud or multiple noises at the same time. I tend to not hear what the other person is saying and cannot focus if I can hear.

                            My family has a hard time understanding why I need them to be extra quiet now! I used to be the loudest one in the family...still am...but others being loud stresses me out!


                              Love the peace and quiet. Loud TVs drive me out of the room, and I really hated TV when they played the commercials 10x louder than the shows. It appears they've cut back on that on TV, but not on the radio. The radio is as bad now that way as the TV was before.

                              I've just gotten through a spell where a sudden noise, like someone coughing, would make the bones in my ears drum and rumble. They still jump sometimes when I'm around anyone running power equipment.
                              I do not have MS. I have Whatchamacallit; and all of the symptoms are mirages.

