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    just wondering how many of us are on disability not sure if I should pursue

    If you believe you need disability, you should try for it. My claim is in, it's been denied twice. Now, my attorney is filing the paperwork for a hearing. Due to the limited number of judges for these hearings, it will probably take about 12 months before the hearing is scheduled.

    It takes time and patience, but if you feel you need to be on disability, then you should start the process.
    COPAXONE - Feb. '03
    Dx - Feb. '03
    1st Sx - March '88


      I'm on disability--but your question is difficult to answer. i was thinking Catmom answered it best. we don't know anything about your situation Do you have a diagnosis of ms? a diagnosis of MS alone does not qualify a person for disabilty. a person needs a disabling condition and it has to have caused a person to be unable to work.

      have you spoken to your doc about applying? would your doc support your application for disability? SS will contact your physician after yo apply to confirm your need to be on disability.

      if the condition is not listed as a disabling condition by SS a person can appeal. i don't know if you have ms or something else?


        In the process...

        I'm also in the process of applying - my application is submitted but additional paperwork was just sent that I still need to complete.

        It's not much of a choice for me - I was fired from my job of over 10+ years earlier this year when I was unable to return to work when they wanted me to - I was on Short Term Disability through the State...

        I still am unable to work and struggling to even handle minimal day to day life even w/o working. It's very depressing to go from having a successful career and not worrying about money/bills, etc. to now having NO income for months...thank gawd for the 401k money because that's what I've been living off of until hopefully my SSDI is approved.

        But am worried since they said it takes 3-6months just for the application process and everyone keeps saying most of us get denied at first!!!


        Sorry - that keeps circulating in my head over and over and every so often it just HAS to come out!! =)

        I wish you well and think it's at least worth applying for unless you can still work. I cannot. It's a very scary place to be.


          I've been in the hospital many times, had to have physical therapy 4 times and two times it was for 6wks. I couldn't walk on my own.... I've had too many flares and can't make it through most of my days.
          My Neurologist filled out paperwork that said put of 5 days she would miss 5 days, out of an 8 hour day she would need at least 6 hours of sleep.... (what he meant was I would nap that much cause even the meds to keep me awake don't work).... There was much more... Yet I got denied and I am awaiting my hearing date. My attorney said if I had used him the first time I would've been approved....
          All I know is there are MANY who don't get it the 1st time. Good luck and don't give up. If you need it PUSH FOR IT!
          Dx MS Aug 2010 (after 2 years of searching)
          Started Copaxone Aug. 2010



            I hope the best for you on your ssdi. I cant speak for everyone but it took me 4 months to be approved for ssdi. I started while i was on std and it was ready buy the time i was qualified. I have heard alot of bad stories about applying so I wanted to let you know it is possible to be approved on the first try. I had more trouble with my ltd carrier from my work but everything worked out for me so it can for you also.
            FYI- I believe the key to a sucussful claim is the cog issues with ms. They sent me to a phy. dr and he said I was unable to do my job or any job for that matter. Just dont let them win do everything they tell you to do in a timely fashion and be plesanant when you speak to them on the phone and hope for the best.

            Good luck


              I would guess many of us are on disability now or will be in the future.

              From what I have heard disability payments are very minimal so I'm terrified of not being able to work at some point. In the meantime I'm working all I can and stashing away as much money as possible.
              He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion.


                The SSDI amount is based on your Lifetime Earnings, but there is more emphasis on the last 5 and 10 years. Mine pays all of my bills with some left over.
                Scuba, true meaning of Life! USS Wilkes Barre 91, USS Monitor 96, 97, 99 .. Andrea Doria 96, 98 .. San Francisco Maru 09


                  Ironically I got SSDI without doing much or trying at all. I was on short term disability during an exacerbation (which lead to my final diagnosis) and possible seizures.

                  Its really important that you are currently seeing a MD who is willing to fill out all the forms (for your employer AND for SSDI) AND willing to say you are permanently disabled. I never had to see one of "their" specialists either.

                  After months of being DX with seizures and on meds for it, it was ruled out. Found out these signs were related more to MS.

                  ALLSUP is an organization that does nothing but goes after the necessary paperwork and gets the medical records needed for disability. They told me once they were involved not to speak to SSI/SSDI folks again. THEY were in charge and known to get an answer in 4 months. Otherwise it takes 15/18 months on ave to get an answer for SSDI. MOST are denied first time (I wasn't). They discourage you from trying. AND they contract with specialists who are to find ANY way you could work, say being on meds or some kind of job.

                  In my case I really wanted my case to drag out as I was getting an extra check as a disabled widow. It helped a lot. But no, my case breezed through in 4 months. Its NOT a lot of money to live on trust me. Also a disability Atty told me and my hubby for HIS disability case, that if you are under 50yo its really hard to obtain SSDI. I was 61 when I got mine approved.

                  If you want to contact Allsup, feel free to contact me via email (in my profile) as they like referrals.

                  Look up the diseases/disorders that SSDI/SSI approves of. I happened to have the top 2 and was..well.. old LOL

                  Good luck..but.. again.. its not much $$ to live on unless you had a higher salary rate, worked a long time and other sources of income.

                  I believe in miracles~!
                  2004 Benign MS 2008 NOT MS
                  Finally DX: RR MS 02.24.10


                    Originally posted by wkikta View Post
                    The SSDI amount is based on your Lifetime Earnings, but there is more emphasis on the last 5 and 10 years. Mine pays all of my bills with some left over.
                    That is good to hear most times it seems to be the opposite.
                    He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion.


                      I'm on disability, basically because it is too difficult for me to work. I was approved for it first time. I have obvious problems. I think it was because I had such trouble with my balance and walking that the dr I was sent to told SSD that there's no hope for her!

                      But, if I could work I would. My advice is don't fret about it. If you can work, work! If it is difficult, then do what needs to be done. You will know if you can't do it anymore.

                      And disability is based on your work history for the last 5 to 10 years.

