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can injuries also trigger pseudoflares??

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    can injuries also trigger pseudoflares??

    this is one i have not really thought about before and have not dealt with- i know if i get a uti or other infection i have had psuedoflares and that is common.

    i have been tired, clumsy, and a few other minor bothersome symptoms that had made me wonder if i was leading in to a flare up but it has not really been bad enough to warrant calling the neuro. however, last week i made a big mug of tea- i use a travel mug with a lid as my hands jerk a bit at times, but this time i was complacent and instead of securing the lid before i picked it up, i picked it up first and spilt the whole lot in my lap, down my groin, between my thighs etc ( i am in a wheelchair) i live alone so it took a while to get too cold water that i could pour over my lap- thankfully my visiting carer was due and she arrived in 10 minutes and helped me into the shower but i have quite a large area of 2nd degree burns, blisters and raw areas

    the pain is now not too bad until dressing changes but i feel really tired wrung out and not sure if as i thought i may be in a relatively mild relapse or can significant injuries also cause psuedo flares?? i am going to see my neuro next week anyway but it is my GP and community nurses who are caring for the burns


    I am sorry that happen to you, I would say for me that the answer is yes. Everyone is different though!
    I notice that if I hurt myself or am over tired I have symptoms of a "flare" or "Relapse" (I don't like to call it a "relapse" makes it sound like it was my fault) Any who.... I always give it 2 days or so and if the symptoms don't go away then I call my doctor because it maybe something more. If the symptoms go away I know I need to take it easy, get some rest and it is my body's way of telling me.

    Feel better


      Can significant injuries also cause pseudo flares?

      YES! Both psychical and mental stress can cause pseudo exacerbations and true exacerbations, with UTIs it is likely a low grade fever that comes with it that results in the pseudo expiration.

      For me mental stress (Getting angry resulted in me have face tingling) it was as if God was slapping me in the face, telling me to chill-out.
      As you may have guessed, I’m a much calmer person now.

      I did have I table saw accident in July and had the ER doc give me a medrol shot and pack, to reduce the chances of me having a true expiration.
      I don’t know if it prevented one, I just know for sure I did not have one.
      I recommend asking our doc if you should do the same, if you ever have a physical trauma.
      Give life meaning, live life by the 9 Noble Virtues.


        thanks for the replies, i have taken a while to get back to the boards as i did end up having a relapse- quite possibly why i was so clumsy in the first place! anyway the burns have basically healed, just very red scar tissue left now that is gradually getting less angry - all in all i have been very lucky as even the relapse has been less severe than many and i ahve avoided iv steroids this time- my hands are still un coordinated so i am making a lot more tyops at present and my vision is not great- worse as i get more tired but overall still improving slowly- thanlks again for the input


          I have cared for two patients that had their first MS flares after a car accident which resulted in their diagnosis.
          He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion.


            In my opinion any kind of significant pain can cause symptoms to "act up". I think a leg injury is what brought my ms "out" 6 years ago. I just had the smartlipo done on my abdomen a week ago and the swelling and stiffness pain has definitely made my feet a bit more numb and my walking is a little hesitated. Didn't think the pain would be this much! Learned my lesson! Never again! But Hey don't judge me im a 31 yr old female who still wants to enjoy the good things in life like a flat tummy!lol

