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Normal Body Temp -v- MS symptoms a survey

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    When I was younger my normal was 98.6. For years now my normal has been 97.7. I am hypothyroid as well though. My thyroid level is checked several times a year and has been in the normal level for some time.

    I am currently Highly suspicous for MS but undiagnosed thus far. Very interesting to see everyone else with the lower normal temps.

    Never thought about why I feel so bad with a 99 temp thinking about it makes sense .
    Limbolander.... Lori
    This is the day the Lord has made I will rejoice in it!


      I've often wondered if hypothyroidism is the body's adaptation to chronic inflammation. Of course, it could simply be another manifestation of a companion autoimmune disease. Hypothyroid here too, Hashimoto's type. There is so much about all of it that peaks my curiosity. The lower my temp goes, the better I feel.
      I do not have MS. I have Whatchamacallit; and all of the symptoms are mirages.




          Funny thing........

          THYROID....... Hashimoto's is a common thyroid problem and autoimmune as well. As I understand (what little I do) about Hasimoto's is it can VARY quite a bit, hypo one time, hyper another and usually eventually stays hypo.

          Remember autoimmune issues like to gather together in the same In other words having one autoimmune issue increases the odds of having other AI issues.

          Some AI diseases;
          -Multiple Sclerosis
          -Diabetes type-1 (or type-1 LADA)
          -Rheumatoid Arthritis
          -(and many others)



            Yes indeedy. Also Myasthenia Gravis which often includes a thymoma or thymus hyperplasia.


              I think you're on to something here Gomer.

              My temp is normal at 97.6 and I'm hypo thyroid too, Hasimoto style.

              It's obviously all connected...we just need to figure out why and what causes/triggers it.
              Opiegirl, Dx 1991
              Have never used DMD's.

              LDN 9/2011-9/2012 & just started again 6/14
              Estriol 9/12-present
              Still Hopeful.



                I find this fascinating.
                Look at this thread on the website - there's more of us out there!

                My normal body temp is very low, 96 or so, and like most of you I feel I am running a very high temperature at 99.5. I hit 104.5 last winter during a viral infection and thought I was nearly at death's door!

                RRMS dx'd 13 years ago, mild disease course in last 7 years but some major relapses before that (no hearing right ear). Suspect I have had some MS symptoms since age 13 or so and I'm 39 now.

                I have been extensively tested for thyroid disease recently, because of hair loss and other symptoms, but I have no thyroid antibodies or positive signs for thyroid disease.


                  body temp

                  My temp usually runs in the 97's, too. I started taking thyroid meds for hypothyroidism this year. My hands are always cold. My blood pressure is always low, too. My nurse says her ms patients all have issues w/heat regulation, hot and cold. I had really hot feet for 4 years; now, when my feet get cold, they are really cold half way to my knees and really hard to warm up. I have a lot of somewhat wierd sx.


                    My normal temp is 96.8-97.6 with fever symptoms starting at any temp of 98.5 or higher. I thought I inherited the body temp thing. My grandmother was a cool 95.0 all the time.
                    All sunsets are beautiful, but the most amazing sunsets have a few clouds.


                      97.4 here and have been most of my adult life. No thyroid problems. Sx since '88 (RRMS) and SP since '08.

                      gomer - we can always count on you for these interesting surveys! Glad you have an inquisitive mind
                      1st sx '89 Dx '99 w/RRMS - SP since 2010
                      Administrator Message Boards/Moderator


                        I'm in the same boat

                        Have had a low temp my whole life and in the last few years seem to run a temp of 99 to 100 which, of course, is not considered a high temp. Been diagnosed 15 years, but just last 5 have been difficult


                          Dx'd sept 2011. My temp has ranged from 96.4 to 97.4 for about three years now.. And anything above 98 tends to make me irritable, forgetful, and downright clumsy.

                          I cut off my right ring finger in May of 06. THAT kind of clumsy. Fortunately they were able to reattach it.

                          I have noticed that when I get warm, I get 'phantom' pain in my legs, mostly on the right side though it has shown on the left a few times. God I can't wait for the husband to get us assigned to a base not located in a desert!

