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scared panic sick

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    scared panic sick

    Well at the first of the year the company I work for sold to another company in another state.

    They were all telling us while there will be procedure and software changes there was no reason to lay anyone off.

    In my department there are 15 people. Yesterday they laid 10 of us off including me.

    While we have the option to work until the end of the year, I am scared.

    I don't have any savings and I am scared of losing medical. I am in the process of switching from copax to rebif. Now I wonder if I should even bother?

    I am afraid of looking goofy in an interview. Or I wont be able to learn something new. I think I do my job by routine now.

    Thanks for letting me voice my fears.

    Hi, you have every right to voice your fears, losing ones job and having to worry about insurance is a terrible thing
    to have to go thru!

    From what I have read, most of the drug companies have an assistance program you can maybe check into. i think (not sure) there might even be something listed here at MSWorld about that.

    Good luck, and hope things start looking up for you soon.


      Just wanted to say I'm thinking about you and so sorry this has happened. Life's hard enough without adding medical problems to the mix. I have no words of advice, only good vibes to send your way.

      Stay Strong!


        I'm so sorry,jobs are hard enough to get. But I agree,contact your DMD provider & they have plans.
        Talk to them. God Bless Nona Judy


          HI Bluemanda -

          I'm sorry, I too, know what it feels like losing a job and medical insurance.

          The pharmaceutical companies do have assistance plans. I paid nothing for my Betaseron. Hopefully I will have the same deal with Gilenya (Novaritis), I have to call them next week. This will be the first month on G without insurance.

          I'm on a lot of other meds and can get them through They have a substantial list of medications and the copays are for 90 - 120 days and they seem to be what you would pay for a 30 day supply. The doctor just needs to write the scrip for those number of days and you mail it in. It's based on income. My copays with insurance were more. I was so relieved to find this site, I didn't know what I was going to do. COBRA wasn't an option for me - cost more than my rent.

          good luck and I'm very sorry.
          This music is the glue of the world Mark. It's what holds it all together. Without this, life would be meaningless


            A lot of sympathy. And a little advice. Please don't do as I did--lost my Cobra when my unemployment benefits ran out and couldn't afford health insurance after that. I was able at the time to be delusional enough to think I would have long enough remissions to outlast my financial gulch. Wrong. The economy bottomed out when I did, and now we're hand in hand. First things first: make sure you can get the medication you need. Second, with your determination and experience you will land another job. Try to keep this one until December while you look, so you have income as long as possible before unemployment kicks in. Please keep your head high and don't take this lousy blow personally. We're in a dysfunctional economy and are all paying the price.

