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exhausted to the point I can't move..after working

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    exhausted to the point I can't move..after working

    I am a nurse and was Dx two months ago with MS. Ive had it at least a year but most likely 1-2 years based on symptoms now looking back. I am on my feet all day and most days I get no break or lunch and have to push myself to keep moving even while my legs and feet are killing me and in such pain. When I get home I am so exhausted that I sit down and literally cannot get back up unless necessary. Im just so tired...I dont know what to do...I cannot take breaks, its just not possible at my job. I dont know what to do or when/if I could apply for disability? I get no benefits at my job so I cannot take leave and besides taking leave wouldnt help, its the work days that are killing me..any advice?

    I am sorry to hear of your situation. I worked in a busy medical office as a office supervisor when I was diagnosed. Never got any breaks because I was always breaking some one else. I went to my employer about a month after my diagnosis. I have had symptoms since I was a child but just diagnosed in july of 09. NOt that I was looking for a diagnosis I went deaf in my left ear and that is what lead to the several lesion finding MRI.

    So when I went to my employer I told them I could no longer cont the position. They worked with me with changing hours, changing resp. ect.... But nothing helped or worked. I kept having flare after flare. Then in Oct of 2010 I quit. I didnt work for a month and started to get some energy back. I decided I would get with my old office manager/friend who now owned a medical billing/office consulting business and see if she could offer anything.

    I worked 1/2 days 4 days a week from end of november to end of march of 2011 and then I had to file for disability my body just couldnt do it all anymore. I was approved within 3 months of filing and now I have about 3-1 good to bad days. Which considering I used to have all bad days with the exception of once in a while, I'll take it.

    I wish you luck with whatever you decide. Rather asking for reduced hours. Or enforcing your states work laws regarding breaks, or deciding to file.


      Thank you! it is hard isnt it?! I do not have enough credit as they say to get disability so Im stuck working through it all..


        Oh most def it is hard. I used to be so much more. I have to look at myself as more just in different ways. I am sorry to hear you dont have enough work hx to get approved. In my opinion school should count. I mean you're out there trying to improve your self not sitting around doing anything and they tell you dont have enough credit! UGH this world.

        I hope things get better soon, and you find time to get rest. Rest is so important. My neuro told me it was like thinking of it from the stand point of taking money out and putting money back in the bank. But that when you take money out you have to put double back in with the rest. So for every hour we do stuff we need 2 hours to recoup. Hey at least we are in it together. Best Wishes


          Could you work fewer hours each day?
          Can you work half days or so something that will let you sit more?

          Fatigue is more than just fatigue.
          For me, it was extreme pain, moving became so painful and thinking was so difficult and energy draining.
          I've read that energy taxes more nerves in us because there are so many that are damaged or just not working.

          Do you take Tegretol?
          That can help with the aches and pain you are feeling, possibly.
          I used it take it when I was working.

          So sorry you are hurting.
          Cooling your legs (an icepack for about 10 minutes) and elevating your legs might help.
          That and massaging my legs after work helped some.
          Also, do you take Gabapentin? That can help, maybe.

          Talk with your Dr about your pain and fatigue.
          There is not such thing as pushing through the pain with MS, sadly.

          Sleeping and resting is so important. Be careful.
          There must be other options.


            I was in nursing also. I hear ya about no breaks. Seriously tho, there is that little law that you have to take a break. I use to have to say thats it!! Im taking my break now. I use to try to push myself too, but that just made things worse.

            I would push so hard I wound up calling off alot do to the fatigue and the body pain, just too much. Does your boss know about your MS? Maybe if the boss does know, maybe something could be worked out for you on the job. Hope it all works out for you.


              Thanks for your replies I did meet with my neuro the other day, he said if my fatigue didnt get better in the next 6 weeks or so then he would get me a med to help, another med, ugh! He mentioned Ritalin, ever taken that? There was another one but I cannot remember what it was..

              Taking a break at my work is impossible to say the least at a lot of times Im the only nurse and I cant take a sucks. There is one doctor that only likes me to work with him, which is great, but he is very demanding and I work my butt off helping him, that is the day I am just dead by days end.



                i too work on a hospital unit as a rehab associate (think: CNA with special acute rehab training). i get all of the patients who are incontinent, hard to transfer or need lots of help to take care of themselves. i am the only one on the floor too. its exhausting! i totally understand. you are on your feet non-stop and breaks are hard to come by. a nurse friend calls it managed chaos. sounds about right to me!

                some days i can literally feel my body running out of energy. even walking up the incline of the parking lot first thing in the morning feels like too much, let alone the showering, dressing, turning, etc. that i will spend the next 8 hours doing. its so hard. i haven't told my boss and only a couple of close nurse friends know about my dx. i think keeping it a secret makes it even harder. have you told your employer?

                if breaks are not possible for you, do you think that you can find another sector of nursing to work in? i hear post-anesthesia nurses have it pretty good
                dx: RRMS 9/8/11 copaxone 12/5/11


                  How long to you have to go until you qualify for benefits?


                    Originally posted by meeegun View Post

                    i too work on a hospital unit as a rehab associate (think: CNA with special acute rehab training). i get all of the patients who are incontinent, hard to transfer or need lots of help to take care of themselves. i am the only one on the floor too. its exhausting! i totally understand. you are on your feet non-stop and breaks are hard to come by. a nurse friend calls it managed chaos. sounds about right to me!

                    some days i can literally feel my body running out of energy. even walking up the incline of the parking lot first thing in the morning feels like too much, let alone the showering, dressing, turning, etc. that i will spend the next 8 hours doing. its so hard. i haven't told my boss and only a couple of close nurse friends know about my dx. i think keeping it a secret makes it even harder. have you told your employer?

                    if breaks are not possible for you, do you think that you can find another sector of nursing to work in? i hear post-anesthesia nurses have it pretty good
                    Yes my employer knows, the neuro was at my work (I work at a clinic) when he told me. Also I had just had some infusions and people on my department did the infusions and based on what those infusions were they suspected I had MS, so there was no hiding it unfortunately. I am only an LPN so not much for me to do at a hospital unfortunately so I pretty much do the grunt work.

                    I feel for you is hard and I wish those that do not have MS could understand how simple things can wear us out


                      NEED DIRECTION - NEED FEEDBACK...

                      I am sorta in the same boat as some of you.

                      It is getting VERY HARD for me to continue to work. My husband told me I have no choice but to work.. he is very egotistical.. that's another issue all in itself but I know I have to do what's best for me and my health.

                      I wake up EVERY MORNING with tight, tensed muscles..especially neck and shoulders which causes a little tightness in my head..JUST AWFUL.

                      After sitting at a desk all day... it really wears on my body.. again especially neck and shoulders.. and my right leg. I can barely walk some days after work..

                      I really don't have a quality of life because my poor body stays so stiff and tight. I am 52 years young and my poor body feels like I am about 85... Well, these days, I am sure some 85 year old women probably feel better than me.. LOL

                      Here is my dilema.. my Neuro Nurse said I should file for FMLA on my job.. I went to the HR Director she talked me out of it saying I really don't need it because I have plenty of sick leave. Actually, I really don't want FMLA, if I start taking too much sick time off, they may lay me off and I will apply for unemployment..

                      Then I will apply for Disability. Yes, it may hurt me and my husband a bit financially and we may loose our home, but my health comes first. I am sure we will find somewhere else to stay.

                      Not sure what to do at this point. I really need some feedback.

                      I have tried some of everything for the tightness/stiffness. At this point no matter what I try... as long as I am working it will keep me in this cycle of tightness/stiffness. Had 16 sessions of Physical Therapy... it helped while they worked on me.. but afterwards.. back to square one.

                      Ms. Jay

