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Many uses for canes

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    Found another use for canes--scrubbing floors!!

    It's easy for me to get down on hands and knees and do this, but it's starting to get harder to get up. Sometimes I use a mop, but that doesn't get into the corners.

    So today I soaked an old rag with water and a lemon scented disinfectant and threw it on the bathroom floor and proceeded to move it back and forth with the rubber tip of a cane. I found it was easy to get in the corners too.

    I must say it did the job and I didn't get all worn out! YIPPEE!! Where there is a will, there is a way.


      Ice Cane Tip

      If you are using your cane and have one of those ice tips with the 4 prongs, you now have a way to pick up all kinds of things as well as have a defensive mechanism. Yet it is almost spring and I'm sure the prongs will begin sticking in the mud.



        BJ- funny you should mention the "ice pick cane". I have one and don't use it outside anymore, because when there is snow or ice on the pavement I just don't go out because of my balance issues.

        However, I did find a use for it yesterday. I cleaned out under the kitchen sink yesterday, and instead of kneeling down and doing it, I got out the "ice pick cane and attached a wet rag to the pick and cleaned away.

        Sometimes bending over is easier than getting up off the floor.


          I use my can to hold open elevator doors, and, on occasion to flush a toilet in a public restroom.

          Also, I use it like a yardstick to measure snow or deep puddles before moving foreward.


            when to use a cab

            Can I ask when you know u should use a cane, i am having a few issues with my right foot... Not sure when to bite the bullet and use the darn thing, then i feel like i am giving in....Thanks for any thoughts u have..


              jerrybaby, I started to use a cane when I got spasticity in my legs, which then caused my balance to go WACKY! At first I didn't know why my legs felt so tight, until I reread the papers my neuro had first given me.


                My dear mother, who also has MS, uses her cane to jab at her children when they say something inappropriate (we thought we were safe when she couldn't chase us anymore but, man, can she get some distance with her cane.) Also, all of her children are above the age of 30, we still haven't learned to behave properly.

                I use mine as a defense if I have to be out and I'm not comfortable in the area. I've never HAD to use it but it's good to know that I have a weapon in hand should I be jumped.

                Originally posted by jerrybaby221 View Post
                Can I ask when you know u should use a cane, i am having a few issues with my right foot... Not sure when to bite the bullet and use the darn thing, then i feel like i am giving in....Thanks for any thoughts u have..
                I felt the same way before I started using a cane. My leg was giving out on me a lot (I call it the dips) and at one point I was waiting in line at a sandwich shop. I had the dips and nearly pulled some poor cute little emo boy to the floor with me. It wasn't until I realized that I could really hurt myself or someone else when I'm having a bad day that I started using a cane.

                Remember though, even if you get a cane, you don't need to use it ALL the time. On my good days, I may leave it at home. So if you decide to cane or not to cane it's not giving in. Use it on the days you need it. If you don't like the look of canes, see if you can find a place that makes nice walking sticks, not too tall though. I have what is basically a shillelagh (Irish walking stick or fighting stick, they can pack a whollop if you need to defend yourself.) I get complimented on it wherever I go and unless someone catches me dipping they usually think that I just like walking sticks and not that I'm occasionally disabled, which is nice. I don't CARE if people know I have MS but it's nice to be incognito.

