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Need ideas for a new scooter

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    Need ideas for a new scooter

    Ok, I have a lot of experience using a scooter. I still can walk but not long distances. I quickly fatigue. I have a Pride scooter which is very bulky and have a lift for my vechile. But had to take it off because it was too heavy for my vechile (lift and scooter). So what I would like to is find an electric scooter that is light weight enougn to put in the back of my car. I still drive and have great arm strength. So I need some suggestions. Thanks, greatly appreciated

    Travel Scoot

    You should look into a Travel Scoot. I got mine 3 years ago and love it. It is not for people who are severely disabled as there is no reverse and is extremely light.(Fully assembled weighs about 45 pounds). If you want to go in reverse, you have to push back with your feet.

    For me it is perfect. It packs in a long and narrow duffel bag and I have flown with it several times(no baggage fee for disabled equipment as I take my walker also). The cost for the travel scoot with the standard battery was around 2 thousand


      I too have a travel scooter. It weighs 50 lbs. and can be broken down in minutes to place in the car. Your physical therapist can help you find the best travel scooter for you. I can handle mine alone and I only weigh 95 lbs.

      Great invention.

      Disabled RN with MS for 14 years
      SPMS EDSS 7.5 Wheelchair (but a racing one)

