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Eagerly awaiting scooter

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    Eagerly awaiting scooter

    Today I am eagerly awaiting the phone call to set up a time for delivery of my scooter. I wanted to wait until my new checks arrived (have to pay my 20% upon delivery), so told them anytime after Nov. 28. I find myself a bit antsy, though, b/c the checks didn't arrive yesterday (so much for priority shipping ) and b/c the last time they wanted to come, they waited until practically the LAST minute to tell me.

    I can go to the bank and just withdraw cash for the payment if the checks don't arrive...

    LOL! Guess who just called and interrupted this post? Gotta go to the bank, now.
    I'll let you know how things go!

    Congratulations on the scooter! It's surely going to change your life. They offered me a power chair but not the scooter. I don't need or want a power chair. Color me jealous. Enjoy your scooter

