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questions about using canes or other devices when needed

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    questions about using canes or other devices when needed

    Hello everyone. this is my first post to this section ofthe forums, have only been around a short time. If this has been well covered, could someone explain how to use the search and where do i find the search to get started reading up? I don't see it, but then again my browser has PMS.

    I really think I am at a point, even though in limbo, there are many times I need help walking. I have episodes where my legs are working very slowly, balance issues, and also have a foot that twists regularly.

    I am clueless about how to go about this. waiting to see if I end up in occupational therapy, and i already have a home pt program. sometimes we have to accept our limitations gracefully, and work through them.

    several factors to consider
    - am very short and would need help knowing what would work, and buying what is appropriate for my height.
    - have serious grip and arm weaknesses, plus spine challenges. Have looked at inexpensive canes at the pharmacy, not sure they would work with my well above average weight.
    - I am not diagnosed, so doubt insurance would help.

    How do you even begin to know what to do? where to go for help with your needed purchase so it is an aid, not more of a complication? I am beyond confused here.

    Thanks in advance! Hope you have a joyful day.
    ~ Flow
    Share the chocolate and no one has to thumb wrestle for it.
    Besides, chasing you down isn't an option, my bubble wrap suit isn't built for speed.

    If you think you have the slightless chance of a fall use a cane. There is no shame in using it. I always carry a cane on my truck and always have one ready at work even though I look 100% healthy my concern is to fall down and brake something.


      Hi Flow~ This is a good question! It is an individual choice of what and when to start using a walking aid and it's good that you are thinking ahead.

      I was not so smart! A few years back, I started falling outside my home and at work. After repeated falls with scraps, bruises, sprains, and luckily no broken bones, I felt it was time! I went to a local drug store and bought one for $10. (they are probably double that price now!). It was a smart investment!

      Here are a couple links to help you get started:

      OT or PT can help too. PT helped me when I first starting using my cane. Good luck to you ~and stay safe~
      1st sx '89 Dx '99 w/RRMS - SP since 2010
      Administrator Message Boards/Moderator


        Raising CANE

        After my great fall of 2006 my new fam doc ORDERED me to use a cane, I already had a couple of canes, used only when I thought it was absolutely needed, what I got for THINKing). I had fallen and tore a rotor cuff and needed surgery.

        It took me TIME to adapt and learn that mobility aids are not the end of the world and are TOOLS that help me do more and do it better plus with greater safety.

        Leave it to me to fall even with a cane. I fell in the driveway last Jan, so two meatwagon rides (long story) and a few days on nurse Ratchet's training ward nursing an acute kidney failure, oh did I mention 5 broken ribs!

        I have learned that even tho one is just thinking about it, I think its really time to do more than just THINK about it. That's straight from Gomer's voice of experience.

        Gomer Sir Falls-a-lot


          better safe than oh so sorry

          Originally posted by GandalfRA View Post
          If you think you have the slightless chance of a fall use a cane. There is no shame in using it. I always carry a cane on my truck and always have one ready at work even though I look 100% healthy my concern is to fall down and brake something.
          thanks Gandalf. I have already taken a number of falls, some slight some not over the past 4 years.

          (a few were ruled syncope of unknown cause, tha funnily disappeared after my spinal decompression that seems to be what was being blamed for my other real nuero issues all along.) I do trip over my own feet, the furbabies, bump into walls and doorways, none of which helps!

          Here is to walking gracefully and safely. a blessing to be able to do so.
          Share the chocolate and no one has to thumb wrestle for it.
          Besides, chasing you down isn't an option, my bubble wrap suit isn't built for speed.


            Originally posted by Seasha View Post
            Hi Flow~ This is a good question! It is an individual choice of what and when to start using a walking aid and it's good that you are thinking ahead.

            I was not so smart! A few years back, I started falling outside my home and at work. After repeated falls with scraps, bruises, sprains, and luckily no broken bones, I felt it was time! I went to a local drug store and bought one for $10. (they are probably double that price now!). It was a smart investment!

            Here are a couple links to help you get started:



            OT or PT can help too. PT helped me when I first starting using my cane. Good luck to you ~and stay safe~
            Seasha thanks so much, will be checking those links! (see post to Gandolph about past falls. feel blessed I am able to walk at all, here's to grace and style doing so!)

            afriend had numerous back surgeries and recovery times from a congenital disorder, she cut her beloved grandfather's wooden cane down right for her height, and decorated it with ribbons and bobbles! gorgeous.

            I have always gotten a kick out of seeing the older ladies in waiting rooms, with their rollators or walkers, a beautiful custom basket on the front. Helps one to realize despite challenges, you can find joy and beauty.

            if the time ever come i need a scooter, the custom shop is going to have their hands full! vroom vroom.
            Share the chocolate and no one has to thumb wrestle for it.
            Besides, chasing you down isn't an option, my bubble wrap suit isn't built for speed.


              advice noted and filed on hard copy in case i forget!

              Originally posted by gomer View Post
              After my great fall of 2006 my new fam doc ORDERED me to use a cane, I already had a couple of canes, used only when I thought it was absolutely needed, what I got for THINKing). I had fallen and tore a rotor cuff and needed surgery.

              It took me TIME to adapt and learn that mobility aids are not the end of the world and are TOOLS that help me do more and do it better plus with greater safety.

              Leave it to me to fall even with a cane. I fell in the driveway last Jan, so two meatwagon rides (long story) and a few days on nurse Ratchet's training ward nursing an acute kidney failure, oh did I mention 5 broken ribs!

              I have learned that even tho one is just thinking about it, I think its really time to do more than just THINK about it. That's straight from Gomer's voice of experience.

              Gomer Sir Falls-a-lot
              Sir Falls - a - lot, may I formerly introduce myself, Lady Stumbles Constantly of the kingdom of Discombobulation.

              I agree, kind Sir, if it has entered the mind this is a need, it it well advised to be safe than sorry! So far no broken bones, docs not sure how, but no. Be well, and am sure you cary a handsome companion cane as a constant companion! Many Thanks
              Share the chocolate and no one has to thumb wrestle for it.
              Besides, chasing you down isn't an option, my bubble wrap suit isn't built for speed.


                I much prefer using Trekking Poles over a cane. I have Black Diamond Trekking poles with Leki rubber "feet." I can use them indoors or out, they are great for balance problems, fun, looks great and much more helpful than a cane.

                Trekking poles either twist to tighten or have a flip lock. I have a flip lock on mine which I feel is more secure and I don't have to worry about them coming loose.

                A Physical Therapist can show you the correct height setting for a cane or trekking poles. I was in Physical Therapy when I became interested in trekking poles and the Physical Therapist thought trekking poles make great mobility aids ( they have used trekking poles in their practice).
                Diagnosed 1984
                “Lightworkers aren’t here to avoid the darkness…they are here to transform the darkness through the illuminating power of love.” Muses from a mystic



                  Snoopy I have never heard of trekking poles. going to hit the search engine and check them out. Not currently in PT but looking towards more of maybe doing occupational stuff, as it seems some of my spinal issue deficits are here to stay. Work arounds are such a lovely thing. (I am hard to sort out between the pre-existing neuro issues beginning in my mid 20's, then the developemwnt in my mid 30's of spinal disease and OA.)

                  Hopefully will hit OT soon and can get pro help with something for balance. I have found large rolls of pink breast cancer awareness bubble wrap, so now at least my suits (see signature)can be made with flair. lol. Being an accident looking for a place to happen can be tiresome!
                  Share the chocolate and no one has to thumb wrestle for it.
                  Besides, chasing you down isn't an option, my bubble wrap suit isn't built for speed.


                    GWTF, you'll also find lots of trekking pole info over at ***. I've reviewed a number of them and I especially like Black Diamond. I also have a detailed guide on how to fit them properly and use them properly (most people don't). If needed, you can read about cane and forearm crutch tips as well. Hope it helps!

                    -Dave Bexfield, ActiveMSers


                      I use hiking poles as well simply because I used to use them for hiking and backpacking so already had them when I needed help walking due to MS. They are Leki poles (German), nice to be able to adjust the hight and take the rubber tips off when on gravel or other surface unsuitable for rubber. Those poles are simply indestructable, have had them for 20 years and got several thousand miles on them.

                      One does need a bit of arm strength to use them properly. You can buy them and other hiking poles in any outdoor store.


                        Finally giving up the cane

                        It took me along time to give up my pride and use a cane. I used the can when I needed it along with my AFO. After several falls and a torn rotator cuff and some pretty banged up wrist I used it more regularily. My doctor heavily recommended a walker and of course I am too cool and too young for that (51). In late November I had a bad exacerbation and left the hospital with a walker. I swore I would not use it but finally I had to swallow my pride and use the walker. I had to get one with a seat and a basket and it really is helpful in getting around. My only problem is getting it in the car by myself so that I can drive, after I am checked out by the DMV. I guess that is the right thing to do but sometimes it is just so hard.


                          I use a forearm crutch, my issues began with OA in my hips. The crutch works best for me, and I was able to get a youth sized one for my lack of height!

