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Cooling Vests Question

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    Cooling Vests Question

    Yesterday it was 92 degrees in my area outside of Houston! I have a 4 year old Polar Product cooling vest that I can't get the ice packs to fit it anymore. The vests they have now use a different shape and size of ice pack. This should not surprise me but it really burns me up figuratively! Will you all chime in about the type of cooling vest that you use and if you like it? Also is it heavy and does it really soak your clothes? My old one does and I would like a newer one that isn't so bulky or wet! Thanks!
    "...the joy of the Lord is your (my) strength." Nehemiah 8:10

    I got mine from MSAA last year. My vest looks like a fishing vest with pouches in the front and back. I was told that they are giving out a different vests this year. The style I have has I believe 3 pocket in front 3 in back. Each pocket fits a set of 3 gel packets. It actually work to good sometimes. Found that I really only needed the gel packet in the front.
    I've not wore it other than our home yet but I don't get out much. Was worried that if we went to an amusement park or mall someone my think I was a bomber lol .
    Was thinking about getting family to sew an MS patch on the front to easy my mind.
    I did get mine for free. Here is the link for the form.
    dx.SPMS (baclofen,gabapenin,norco)
    started tecfidera 7/10/2013
    rituxan 11/13/2012 stopped due to side effect &it didn't help me (for RA and MS)
    copaxone started 4/2012 but stopped due to bad allergic reaction
    Matt.19;26 “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”


      I haven't needed to resort to cooling yet, but Dave Bexfield has posted reviews of several kinds of vests on his "Gear" forum (
      1st sx 11/26/09; Copaxone from 12/1/11 to 7/13/18


        I wonder how much of a cooling effect it will have considering that you'll have to wear an additional piece of clothing.

        Stay hydrated, guys!
        Showing up is 80% of life. -- Woody Allen


          I just purchased a cooling scarf. Haven't recieved it yet, but I am looking forward to trying it. I live in Las Vegas and it gets soooooo hot here. I knew I needed to try something.

          I will let you all know how it works when I get it. This will be a good location to try it out.


            Thank you all who responded! I have really felt the positive effect of the cooling vest when running errands like shopping at Walmart! It makes the time in a hot store and the trip outside with all the groceries much better.

            I had the thought about being considered a terrorist too! I think an M.S. patch would help but even terrorists could do that too! It's a really crazy world we live in and people are very much on guard about these things.

            I really didn't need all the packets I had in the old vest. There were 11 pockets. Talk about weighing you down. Silly me, I never considered only using parts of the packets.

            I will contact NMSS to see what I can find out about the possibility of getting one free but I probably don't qualify luckily!

            Thanks for your help!

            "...the joy of the Lord is your (my) strength." Nehemiah 8:10


              I only use two packs in the front. It stay cool inside for a good 4 hours or more . I live in the desert were it can get around 115 degrees on a bad day. Sometimes even hotter but you won't find me outside then.
              I was thinking that a come stores carry the gel pack . A military/ or a outdoor man's supply store may carry different sizes in gel packs.
              dx.SPMS (baclofen,gabapenin,norco)
              started tecfidera 7/10/2013
              rituxan 11/13/2012 stopped due to side effect &it didn't help me (for RA and MS)
              copaxone started 4/2012 but stopped due to bad allergic reaction
              Matt.19;26 “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”


                Thanks for the shout-out, Mark. Cocogirl, I've also published a detailed test of various types of cooling vests for multiple sclerosis:

                Shootout! Cooling Vests Face Off
                Four vests tested, and one truly excels
                Updated July 26, 2011

                “Dave, which cooling vest is best for my multiple sclerosis?” It’s a question I’ve been asked more than the number of times a busload of kids verbally wonder “are we there yet” on a 4,784-mile cross-country road trip through Russia. I’ve talked about wanting to do a comprehensive cooling vest test for a good couple years; it’s just so hard to compare these vests side-by-side because it takes time, patience, and a budget. Finally everything came together last month thanks to donated vests in a variety of styles from Steele, ArcticHeat, Glacier Tek, and Polar Products, all major manufacturers of cooling vests for multiple sclerosis. And my hydrologist wife was totally cool (pun intended) with me taking over the freezer for a few weeks in the interest of science. ...

                I am trying a new vest right now that has lots of potential. It is extremely lightweight and can operate as both an evaporative vest and a frozen vest, which is unusual. Humidity testing actually will be done in Houston next week (I live in Albuquerque). I hope to have a review published before May. Hope this helps,

                -Dave Bexfield,


                  Thanks Dave! Hope to hear soon on the outcome of the humidity factor!
                  "...the joy of the Lord is your (my) strength." Nehemiah 8:10

