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What a pickle!

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    What a pickle!'s a little update that's frustrating.

    In a nutshell, I need a powerchair but my home is a split level with no bathroom or bedroom on the first floor. Therefore, I'm told I would be turned down if I went through the pt eval. and tried to get one through my insurance.

    Had a contractor come and look over my home, taking measurements, etc. to give me an estimate on renovations. He was referred to me by a friend because he is not expensive and is very reliable. Even so, with all of the remodeling/renovations added up, it seems to make more sense to just look for a new house.

    Problem: We don't have anything in savings to go towards a downpayment. We would be able to afford a house comparable in size to the one we have, but were not prepared for this so soon.

    So...I'm THANKFULLY able to use a power chair (borrowed) at work, but have to keep it there. Our minivan is not set up for transporting a power chair (another down-the-road cost, if I ever GET the power chair). Still relying on my visiting parents to take me back and forth to work , using my manual wheelchair (a true blessing that I bought online a few years ago for theme parks) to take me from the car to the building and my office.

    The ONE thing that was SUPPOSED to be easy was for me to get AFOs for each foot. Turns out that the first recommended place to get them custom-made (a must, according to my PT), was not on the list of providers for my insurance company. Took TWO days of calls and frustration with the ins. website to finally find one. It was one that my dad had found earlier in the phonebook! Just relieved to find an approved place and get an appointment.

    So...what does one DO in the "in-between" time before being able to even qualify (house-wise) for a power chair??? My poor hubby (works full-time as a math instructor at the same college where I'm an adjunct) and my parents are being stretched thin "picking up the slack" as I am still enduring this flare. They don't live here permanently, but do have their own space for when they visit.

    I am frustrated at how dependent I am on them, how difficult it is for me to get around most of the time (brief moments of walking ok before fatigued), how difficult it is to keep up with my grading/planning, and how much I am missing out on with my kids when I'm not doing well.

    Prayers are not only welcome, but HIGHLY encouraged! As much as I know and believe that God has things in control, I am still subject to feeling overwhelmed and confused.

    Thanks for letting me vent a bit. Oh....I DO have an appt. with OVR next week, and I DID get some GREAT info. from NMSS (although most of it is for remodeling and many sources for help are based on low income; not as helpful if you mainly need a downpayment and have just not been wise enough to save money ).

    I guess this is an "I really hate MS day/semester."

    i can't really offer pratical advice as i live in australia and our system is very different to yours, i am lucky enough to have government owned and subsidised housing, in fact i will soon be moving to a new place that has been purpose built around my needs- i am really thankful for that.

    One thing that does come to mind is that here there are various not for profit groups who can help with grants to help with these sorts of things amon others, it may be worth researching that kind of thing. our MS society provides yearly grants that anyone with ms can apply for and it can be for anything fromequipment through to vacations. I know of others here in south australia too, i was actually sent away for a weeks vacation once when someone had put an application in on my behalf, i have never found who that saint was but it was great. I hope you can find some assistance as i can see how frustrating your situation would be!

    heres hoping someone more local may have some other ideas - in the meantime i will put in a prayer for you!


      Hmm, I am amazed at the fact that your house has anything to do with the pwc. I used to work for an accessabilty company, and we did a lot of work through the VAMC's. Many times not only would the veteran get a power wheel chair, they also qualified for a stairglide to take them between their bedrooms/bathroom/kitchen if needed. I don't know anything about civilian insurance, but is that an option?

      You can get a basic stairglide installed for around $3,000 brand new. And I know of atleast one company (the one I used to work for) that allows a lease to own option and a payment plan option. AND they have some used ones for less than half price (when available). I of course wont put that company name on here for fear of some rule that I can't advertise something.. I can't remember whats allowed.. LOL So I would check to see if you had the stairglide if it would then qualify you.


        My suggestion also, a Stair Glide for each short stairway. Keep the Chair on the floor you need it most on.
        Scuba, true meaning of Life! USS Wilkes Barre 91, USS Monitor 96, 97, 99 .. Andrea Doria 96, 98 .. San Francisco Maru 09


          A friend of mine who was in your position got help from Easter Seals, they loaned (plus installed) those chairs that glide up the stairs. She kept her power chair on the floor that she uses the most. She even kept a regular old computer chair on wheels (not the safest thing to do) on the floor that she uses the least (basement). Another great charity is March of Dimes and of course, try your local Chapter of MS Society... ours has an equipment loan program. Best of luck with it all.
          RRMS 2005, Copaxone since 2007
          "I hope to be the person my dog thinks I am."


            thanks to all

            Ok, I'll try and not mess this one up (computer locked up on me in the middle of a lengthy reply; had to restart).

            Thanks, everyone. We did decide to sell our existing home and look for a new one, but I still need a stair glide in the interim. Money is tight, because my hubby says we need to save up for a downpayment and we have to make a few small home improvements to make our home more sellable (ie: power wash the outside before it's too cold and trim shrubs/clean out weeds, etc.).

            I'm going through OVR, but I haven't heard back from them yet for the next meeting. I don't think they can help with a stair glide for home, since they are more focused on my need to be able to get to and from work. The information I got from NMSS was based mostly on remodeling or qualifying for homes based on low income. Thankful that we have good income at present, but that means those options are not available to us.

            Going to try and see if local chapter can assist me with getting a stair glide. My insurance did cover getting AFOs for each foot. They should be ready on the 17th of this month; already have to appointment to make sure they fit (custom made) for that date.

            Thanks again, all. Please keep me in prayer for a stair glide to get me through the remaining months before we can manage to sell our home and find a new one that fits our needs.


              sounds like you are working things out! I don't have anything to add, just wanted to send prayers your way and wish you the best!
              This music is the glue of the world Mark. It's what holds it all together. Without this, life would be meaningless


                ovr will do remodel work. try them again. not only are stair glides covered, but so are the lifts that run on a track.
                MS World
                PPMS DX 2001

                "ADAPT AND OVERCOME" - MY COUSIN


                  Originally posted by hunterd View Post
                  ovr will do remodel work. try them again. not only are stair glides covered, but so are the lifts that run on a track.
                  Really??? That would be SO wonderful! The guy who is handling my case is moving ever so slowly (didn't fax over the paperwork ASKING for my dx from the docs until after 2 weeks...and THAT was after I called to ask about it). Plus, I'm the first MS case he's ever handled. He seemed to think they wouldn't be able to do anything in my house.

                  Waiting to hear from him....again.
                  Thanks for the information, hunterd!!


                    Originally posted by empirerecs View Post
                    sounds like you are working things out! I don't have anything to add, just wanted to send prayers your way and wish you the best!
                    LOL! Sounds like it, but I'm not so sure. It's hard to work on this and try to teach and be a wife/mother all at the same time. My mother was a TREMENDOUS help when she was here. Poor woman was away from her own home from August until a week ago (11/11)!! I don't want to wear her out; she's 65 and has health issues of her own. Glad she is getting to go away for Thanksgiving with my dad and another couple. She needs a break and some fun & relaxation time.

                    Prayers are MUCH appreciated, empirerecs! Thanks for any and all prayers on my (our family's) behalf.


                      Nothing to add honestly, but I am curious about stair glides & lift mentioned by hunterd. Do you find further information about it? That must be little less than purchasing new home. And again prayers your way and wish you the best!

