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Drive walker/transport

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    Drive walker/transport

    I just bought a new walker two months ago that I love. I am one of the first in my town to have it and am wondering if any one here has it.
    It is a very sturdY walker that becomes a wheelchair. It even has a footrest.

    It is really making me more independent. My husband and I can go places. I can walk for awhile and then we convert it to the wheelchair and he pushes me.

    Hi coral12

    It is really making me more independent. My husband and I can go places. I can walk for awhile and then we convert it to the wheelchair and he pushes me.
    Wow, that sounds great, especially if it enables you to get around more!

    One of my walkers has 4 wheels and a seat, but is not supposed to be pushed with someone on it (but it's great for me transporting things on it around the house, and I put my trash bag on it and push it to the dumpster)

    What is the name of your walker, if you don't mind my asking?


    Take care,
    PPMS for 26 years (dx 1998)
    ~ Worrying will not take away tomorrow's troubles ~ But it will take away today's peace. ~



      Oops - ignore my question - I see now in your Title that it's called a Drive walker/transport.

      Take care,
      PPMS for 26 years (dx 1998)
      ~ Worrying will not take away tomorrow's troubles ~ But it will take away today's peace. ~



        Sounds like a fantastic device, specially that it also has footrests! Please share more information about it. I have the 4 wheeled walker with the a seat and a regular wheelchair, but also needed to get a travel wheelchair (It's smaller, lighter & fits great in smaller vehicles, but someone else has to push you because it has small wheels).

        I usually have to take a w/c anywhere I go now, because I know I won't have enough stamina/ strength to use the walker for very long. I hate resorting to that, because I know that contributes to loss of leg strength. Being pushed while you are sitting on a rollator also doesn't work very well if your feet are dragging! Besides being uncomfortabe for your back ... Defintely much too uncomfortable to use that way for long.

        LOL, Koko, the seat on my rollator is my portable shelf for everything!

        Thanks for sharing that something like this exists!

        “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” ― Max Planck


          Walker / transport name

          Hi koko,

          The walker is made by Drive and I guess that is what it is called. You can find it on Line. Their qoute is "you asked for it, so we built it". Once you see it you will wonder why the heck no one built one sooner.

          My wheel fell off my previous walker so we went to the medical supply store in late may. We found this there. They did not want to bill my insurance. I pushed them. My insurance covered most of it. Then I went on the Internet and googled Drive walker. It is cheaper there.

          It is very well made and I would recommend it for people who might use a wheelchair occasionally. It fits in cars and is no wider than a walker, since it is also



            I have a Drive Duet Rollator Transport. It has the fold out footrest for when someone pushes. I love it because I can't walk very far but can walk for a while and then my wife can push me when I get too tired and heavy.

