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Copaxone and Pain (little long)

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    Copaxone and Pain (little long)

    I am seriously wondering about all this. I feel horrible! My body hurts so much and my legs and arms sometimes just don't feel right. I've read and reread the side effects paper from Copaxone and right in there it says all the side effects that I am experiencing.

    I just keep asking myself is it really worth it? The only thing about it is that I will only use the Copaxone, my DH and I made that decision that if Copax didn't work for me I would not use anything else. I've always believed in QUALITY of life and if the Copaxone is making me feel this horrible......then why be on it?

    But then the other side of my mind kicks in and I want to do SOMETHING rather than nothing. I have 3 little girls that need me. But should they have to deal with a mommy that is in pain all the time and can't do anything fun anymore? I feel like the biggest couch potato....I dream of just one pain free day to where I can go for the bike ride I keep promising and having to say not tonight to everday. I want to be able to have the energy and stamina to keep my housework done daily and yet be able to make dinner. I find myself everynight making horrible fast dinners just so I don't have to be on my feet for that long. Doing laundry is the worst chore up and down the basement steps.

    I can't handle this pain anymore. I want to be myself again. At least a little bit. It's so hard to believe I was just fine in January and now in May I am struggling soooo much.

    I am wondering if the Copaxone is doing all this to me? It's so hard to believe that the ms has hit me this hard in such a short period of time. I really have no other issues with Copax. the shots are getting easy and not alot of site reactions just a mild welt and some redness. I have another appt. with the ms specialist the end of the month...first full MRI and then I will meet with her. I keep weighing alot on this appt. I don't know why......
    I just keep thinking that with the full MRI I will know more about my ms than with the brain MRI alone. who knows????
    Love, Laugh, this order
    Dx'd 2-24-11 - Baclofen 60 mg/day 5-11, LDN 4.5 mg/day 9-24-11, Cymbalta 60mg/day for pain 11-11

    I would definitely have a conversation with your neuro about the pain and see if it is the Copaxone or if it could be something else going on. If nothing else, maybe you can work together to figure out a way to control the pain so you can get back to living your life!

    I know you've decided it's Copaxone or nothing, but maybe you and your husband can also discuss other therapies with the doc to reassure yourselves about the side effects.

    I hope you can find a solution. This sounds miserable!

