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New neuro-update

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    New neuro-update

    Tomorrow is my second appt. with new neuro. Hopefully they were able to get my prior records. I'm sch.for a nerve cond.test, then right after I meet with the dr. not sure why but I believe this test is a waste of time. Not even really sure what it tells them for sure if anything. But its a start and hopefully soon, answers.


    The nerve conduction test will show the speed at which electrical impulses travel your nerves. Results help physicians determine the type of nerve dysfunction and can direct them to the site of injury, helping them in dxing and treating your condition.

    My first nerve conduction test was done (by a tech) on my face ... which supposedly fell in the "normal" range. Because the dr. thought I had Bell's Palsy, a neuro never looked at these results ... who knows if he would've spotted something. Anyways, a few years later, another test was done on my legs by a neurologist (failed miserably ... and I watched the monitor in disbelief during the testing). He was "almost" positive I had MS, even before I'd had any MRIs or LP.

    Although this test is not a guarantee for a definitive dx - especially early in the MS disease course (the electrical nerve impulses are delayed when there is damage to the nerve), it is a tool in the drs. arsenol to alert them something is wrong and where to look for the cause.

    I hope you find answers soon. Wishing you well.

    “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” ― Max Planck


      My thoughts...

      O.K., second appt. With new neuro today. We did a ncv test and them I met with dr. my test came back o.k. This new dr. does not have any of my records. No mris, nothing. From the exam and ncv test today he motor neuron disease, no pher. Neuropathy. Lower.motor neurons something evident by such brisk reflexes. Stated my cervical disc replacement surgery 14 months ago was a major surgery, might still be recovering.

      Also said maybe dr. screwed up during surgery. Wants me to go get my records from hospital, wants, mris pre and post surgery. I'm thinking I need to go back to prior neuro. One reason, although he did not know what was wrong with me, he did not rule things out just based on the ncv. Another thing, if the surgery messed me up, wouldn't i have issues on a regular basis, daily? I do not think the surgery would leave me with lingering issues 14 months later if it went o.k.

      He also said to me that he thought we had alot of answers today and asked me if I agreed. I said well actually no and he cut me off. So I think I will appt. With my prior neuro tomorrow and when I go just be straight forward with him as I never really pushed the issue with wanting to know what was wrong with me. I will also tell him I know out might not be possible to say what is song with me at this point. Maybe see if there is a better medicine choice than baclofen, etc. any thoughts? Although I know there is something wrong I don't want to fell like I am searching for something. Sorry so long.

      **Post broken into paragraphs by Moderator for easier reading. Many people with MS have visual difficulties that prevent them from reading large blocks of print.**


        My prayers are with you!

        First off, I just want to tell you not to lose hope. I started having "funny" things happen to my body in 2009. I went to my doctor who done a brain MRI and according to the radiologist, I was "fine" and therefore my doctor just kind of wrote me off thinking that maybe my symptoms were psychosomatic. So, I had to be my own advocate and I looked for a neurologist. He did all the evoked potential tests. On my arms, legs, hearing, vision, plus he did a spinal tap, blood work and a c-spine MRI. According to him, it was all ok and he was just going to treat my symptoms. This was June of 2009. Well, I knew something wasn't right and it wasn't in my "head" so-to-speak. In Oct 2009, I had a flare and he put me in the hospital and low and behold...4 lesions on my brain that was never there before. I decided to go the following month in Nov and see a MS specialist who also was a radiologist. He did a MRI on my brain using a T4 MRI machine(i think that is what it's called) and he said I had 9 lesions on my brain.

        So, just b/c the doctor says your tests are "normal" doesn't mean that it isn't possible for you to have MS. It could be early on, or the MRI machine that is being used isn't strong enough to see any enhanced lesions. Is the doctor you are seeing a MS Specialist? If not, maybe you could do your homework and find a reputable one in your area and find a MRI facility that uses a T4 machine, which is more sensitive.

        Don't give up hope. Get your records yourself and have them in hand if you can find a MS Specialist. You have to be persistent while talking to the doctors to tell them something is wrong versus asking them if they think something is wrong with you. You know your own body and whether something is normal or not. And as Kimba said, early in the disease process, all of your test may come back normal, but you have to find a doctor who believes in you and will stick it out in the long run and treat your symptoms now, and repeat tests later on down the road to see if there are any changes if you are still experiencing symptoms.

        If you are on baclofen and that isn't doing the job, adamantly request an alternative such as soma, zanaflex or possibly valium. Like I said, you have to go in like you have done your homework and he must work with you to find out the root cause of your symptoms. But if it were me, I would find a MS specialist and get a MRI done on a T4 machine and be your own best advocate!

        Good luck! Please keep me updated on how you are and what happens. God Bles!

