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Spinal Cord Lesions

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    Spinal Cord Lesions

    Looking for some feedback and reassurance. So I have now been diagnosed with MS for a year. I have been on Copaxone since the diagnosis and had no flare ups.

    My first symptom was optic neuritis that resolved completely 3 years ago. When I was finally able to get a positive diagnosis I had leasions on my spine only. Cervical and thoracic. So now I am waiting my first year MRI follow up to see how things look. I am so scared.

    I am scared since I have spinal cord leasions only that this disease is going to rob my ability to walk. So I am looking for someone with spinal lesions only or maybe you know someone who can give me some advice/feedback.

    Thanks Everyone!


    I have spinal and brain. I have 7 brain lesions but my back is covered and I have some on my brainstem. My Neuro won't even try and count the lesions on my spine (i have that many).

    I was DX in OCT after 3days of testing....if that tells u anything LOL. I walk good most days but I do walk slower then I use to. Also use a rollator when I have a flare. There are days when stairs are my worst nightmare but over all I do ok.

    I hope I gave u ok news....
    DX 10/10, JCV postitive by a lot (said Nuero lol), Betaerson, Gilenya, Tecifidera, Aubagio now on Ocerevus


      I have spinal cord lesions, Cspine thoracic, and lumbar. I also have many brain lesions.

      When I was diagnosed the Dr. only did an MRI of my Cspine. I had a large lesion at C5-6. It is still there.

      I can still walk, not as far or fast, but still mobile. Recently started using an AFO for the foot drop I'm experiencing and it really helps.

      People are very surprised to learn I have MS and I pray it stays that way.

      Good luck to you, stay positive.
      Opiegirl, Dx 1991
      Have never used DMD's.

      LDN 9/2011-9/2012 & just started again 6/14
      Estriol 9/12-present
      Still Hopeful.


        A spinal cord lesion is what first got me dx'ed 6 years ago. Had lots of sx for years that I had no idea was MS.

        I run...for miles. I mean long distance miles...not fast, but not only am I mobile, I run marathons. No on would ever guess I have MS. My last marathon was Napa Valley Marathon this last March. I plan on running the Lake Tahoe Marathon in September.

        We are all different. Take it one day at a time and do what you can.


          I have spinal cord lesions only but my neuro declared I was in remission in 2008. I used to have to walk everywhere with a quad-cane or a Rollator but now around the house I usually just walk normally but carefully. If I leave the house I always take my quad-cane and if I take a long walk, which might be a mile, I always use my Rollator. Even in remission my balance is off at times and I've had some bad falls. I can't afford to be careless. I accept this as the new normal. I have not had an MRI since 2008 so I don't know what my upper spinal cord looks like but my neuro said unless the major symptoms of the onset return there is no need for another MRI. Hope he is right.
          Surfer Ed
          Show 'em who's got guts. Don't back down - Brian Wilson
          ******Surfer ED******

