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Concentration and driving problems.

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    Concentration and driving problems.

    Hello! I am new and this is my first time writing on here so forgive me if I dont post this right. I am 26 years old and I do not have my licence yet because my lack of focus and concentration scares me when ever I have tried to drive. Im newly diagnosed with MS and still in the process of being diagnosed and treated. I am so scared to drive because of this. I have 2 kids and a stay at home mom that lives very far from any place. I feel like such a loser bumming rides from people all the time. Once I get on medication will this ever go away? I feel its far to dangerous for me to be on the road, I dont want to hurt my self or any one else. Am I alone with this or is there other people out there with the same problem.

    I pretty much only drive in town and then only if I'm feeling well. It's hard, I know. I've started doing online banking and shopping and... Well, sometimes it's just nice to get out and about though, isn't it?
    What if trials of this life
    Are Your mercies in disguise?
    "Blessings; Laura Story"


      I think I could still drive - at least for short distances - but my hubby won't let me. Okay, if I insisted he probably would but I know it makes him uncomfortable.

      I have days when I can't lift my right leg and days when my vision is cloudy. I also have days when the brain fog is so great I can't remember right or left. On those days, I would not be a safe driver and therefore would probably not even try.

      I always say we know ourselves best so you need to do what you feel is right.


        Welcome! Sorry you have to be here but I'm glad to meet you.
        I still drive when it's necessary. When I feel unsafe because of fatigue or cognition, I park my car and stay off the road. I, too, do a lot of online banking, online shopping. I'm the only one my house that drive. When I feel that I just can't do it, my family understands.
        "Irrespective of what happened yesterday or last year, and what may or may not happen tomorrow, the present moment is where you are-always!"
        Richard Carlson, PH.D.


          I quit driving when the cognition issues became too dangerous. I had problems at multiple intersections and construction areas - anything other than two lane straight driving could confuse me. I was terrified I would kill someone after I had a couple of close calls.
          Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes, it is the quiet voice at the end of the day that says, "I will try again tomorrow."


            driving and focus/concentration

            I really thought it was my imagination. I get frustrated because I feel like nobody else understands when I am confused or lose focus. I do ok driving long distances, but get easily aggitated in high traffic because I get confused. All the noise and commotion is distracting, plus I hate large crowds and don't tolerate normal outings like to Wal-Mart. I usually have to go at like 2am when it's quiet and not many people. I am so glad I found this, I was feeling so alone. I have had MS for over 15 years, but was not diagnosed until 2 years ago because I am in the Army. The military doctors didn't figure out what was happening and they just kept telling me it was in my head. I have been on Avonex now for 2 years, and am getting ready to switch to Gilenya, but after all I have read about it I am frightened.


              For me driving has become challenging as well. I only drive in my neighborhood, and only at light traffic times. Driving on the interstate in traffic is out of the question. Driving in unfamiliar areas is out of the question. I get lost and turned around very easily. I only drive on "good days" or if it's an absolute necessity. It's not your imagination. Cognitive impairment and driving problems are well documented and well known by medical professionals.

              It really stinks. I cannot work, and I can not really go anywhere either.


                im 20 (21 in august) and do not have my license. im working on it. my problem is that i need glasses for distance, but i am only slightly near sighted. so i normally dont notice that my vision isnt perfect.

                up until recently, my fatigue got in the way. now i am on anti fatigue pills, and i dont ever want to give them up. they are better than a cup of strong coffee. they are my crack. (Nuvigil is the name of it)

                this summer, in the free time that i will have, but little of it, im going to try and drive more. i live in a small rural town, so driving on the back roads will be good practice

                good luck
                Learn from yesterday
                Live for today
                Hope for tomorrow

