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copaxone reaction comes & goes??

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    copaxone reaction comes & goes??

    I've been noticing my copaxone injection reactions are better these days, but some get worse on & off.
    example: my arms were initially a problem.
    an injection can be "OK" & not bothersome. Then a few days later it might be warm outside or I have a glass of wine (or spicy food) & all of a sudden the site gets red & itchy!
    Is this normal?

    I am sorry to hear you are having issues.

    Sad to say, for me, redness, itching, and swelling or lumps are normal at the injection site. It takes a few days for the itching and redness to disappear. The lumps may take as long as a week. I find that icing the site immediately after injection helps reduce the severity of the reaction. I, personally, have never had an issue with food or drink in relation to site reaction.

    Hopefully others will chime in .

