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Checking in with an update.

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    Checking in with an update.

    I know I've not been around for some time and for several reasons. I’ve been pretty busy with family visits in addition to dealing with severe depression issues. Making good progress in that area by changing AD med from Celexa to Cymbalta. The sleep deprivation continues as do the variety and severity of symptoms.

    I am also investing a great deal of time writing a book that is nonfiction dealing with what I have learned and sharing with others. At this point the title is, Evaluate, Adapt, and Overcome: Accept No Limits in Life - “Craig recounts his story of coming to terms with total disability an outlines specific advice that helped him along the way.” I’m on my 4th draft, 12 chapters, and about 51K words. We’ll see what happens if people derive benefit and value from the short sub-chapters containing pearls of wisdom.

    Actually, I’ve not visited any medical/neurological forums for some time now due in part I feel I have nothing new to offer in light of dealing with my own challenges. Our family motto has changes from, "Just go with the flow." to "Just go with the flow and pray God keeps me afloat."

    I hope to be back once I get things worked out. I can see many of you have your own major challenges and still are able to support the others. I hope things continue to improve for all of you.

    Peace be with you all,
    Craig Mattice~Living Life On My Terms~
    No Excuses No Regrets!

    Richmond, VA USA


    I said a prayer for you ... and may God continue to keep you afloat. Sorry to hear about the depression and other symptoms, but glad you found a different med that seems to be helping the depression.

    Good luck with your book, what an awesome undertaking, especially with your health challenges. I hope writing it has been therapeutic to you and it also helps those who read it.

    Wishing you well.

    “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” ― Max Planck


      Hi Kimba,

      Here is a short paragraph from the end of my introduction which I hope shares my desires for the book.

      My hope is you may discover examples and methods to design a life instead of simply making a living, if this is your goal. This worked for me by dealing with adversity through learning to evaluate, adapt, and overcome. Why? Because I now look at life as if there are no problems only challenges. I am guided by some key principles including, “Set no limits and accept no limits," "Do Or do not. There is no try." ~ Yoda. We are all limited only by our imagination and by not allowing others permission to determine limits on our lives. I admit, a simple concept to discuss but not easy to accomplish.

      Thank you for reading and responding to my posted update.

      Originally posted by Kimba22 View Post

      I said a prayer for you ... and may God continue to keep you afloat. Sorry to hear about the depression and other symptoms, but glad you found a different med that seems to be helping the depression.

      Good luck with your book, what an awesome undertaking, especially with your health challenges. I hope writing it has been therapeutic to you and it also helps those who read it.

      Wishing you well.
      Craig Mattice~Living Life On My Terms~
      No Excuses No Regrets!

      Richmond, VA USA


        Craig, it's always helpful to hear from someone who is an inspiration. It sounds more like you're running a race and winning than trying to keep afloat. Problems, yes but it's sure good to hear from someone who is taking those problems and making life inspiring changed.

        Good luck to you. Both in your health and in your book.
        What if trials of this life
        Are Your mercies in disguise?
        "Blessings; Laura Story"


          Wishing you continued sucesses in finishing the book and sending prayers you way. You are our poster child for "INSPIRATION" and we are very proud of you!
          1st sx '89 Dx '99 w/RRMS - SP since 2010
          Administrator Message Boards/Moderator


            Good luck on your book! I've written one with a friend and know the challange it can be. Onward and upward!
            Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes, it is the quiet voice at the end of the day that says, "I will try again tomorrow."

