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? on pain and numbness

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    ? on pain and numbness

    I have had a pain in my left arm for a few weeks. It feels like the bone is bruised. This week my left hand has gone numb and I am getting pins and needles up my arm. Have not called my neuro about this. The last time I had numbness. I had the iv roids. I did get back the feeling in my legs but never got it back in my feet. I really did not like the steroids....but does anyone think it may help this?


    I hate being on steroids too but YES, CALL YOUR NEURO!! It may be a new lesion and you will get relief. Please don't would be horrible for you if waiting made it permenant!
    dx 7/2002 - on Rebif since dx...just changed to Copaxone 1/2011

    "There is a difference between acceptance and approval"


      Call your Neuro ASAP.

      An exacerbation happen quickly, so calling very soon it important.
      Calling sooner allows them to help you sooner.

      Google search "NMSS, what is an exacerbation".
      There is an online PDF file from MS Learn Online.
      (I can't get the link to copy and come over here, sorry).

      My Neuro told me never to wait over 48 hours if I experienced any new symptom.
      He was so serious and almost stern, I took his advice to heart, which I feel has helped me over years with MS.

      Best wishes!


        Definitely call first thing in the morning. I just experienced something similar about a week ago, called after the second morning and got a prednisone TX called in.

        First one in four years but I don't even want to think about how I would have been without it, since it ended up being worse than I originally thought, and this was after my last scan that I had a few days before that came back clean.

        Figure until my neuro can do more tests and get a better idea of what is going on, it was something that could help me keep from having it worse than what it currently is.


          talked with neuro

          Thanks for the replies. I did call and talk with my neuro, he has scheduled a mri for tuesday. He is also thinking it may be carpal tunnel. I should find an answer soon.


            Originally posted by barbaluc View Post
            Thanks for the replies. I did call and talk with my neuro, he has scheduled a mri for tuesday. He is also thinking it may be carpal tunnel. I should find an answer soon.
            got my mri results. I have had no changes in the lesions in my head..yay. I do have bulging disc in my neck. He thinks that is where the numbness is coming from. I start physical therapy tomorrow. I need to have a ent done also. Not sure how I feel about this.

