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disappointed, yet again

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    disappointed, yet again

    I am not DX. so since my neuro is booked until october and he couldnt get me in to see him anytime soon i was told to go to the ER if i needed to. The VA nurse was really nice and did a complete work up. My neuro did not come down to see me he sent his student instead.
    His student was nice and i explained i was there for numbness/tingling mostly in the left side of my body, a falling feeling when im laying down, muscle pain as if i have the flu, and optic neuritis attack. He says my neuro still thinks its just migraines. Told him that my Neuro had said he would send me to the MS clinics and then changed his mind, but that i still wanted to go to get a second opinion.
    I was already scheduled to do an EEG so the student sent me up to get that done and said he would meet me there with a plan when he spoke to my neuro. When he showed up he was mean and told me that i was reading too much into stuff i dont have MS and that they believe its just a blood clot in my eye. I ask him how does that explain the numbness and tingling and that i have optic neuritis in both eyes. he answered he didnt know.
    He then told me that i dont have Optic neuritis, that the opthomologist/neuro has in his reports that i do not have this. I have been told for 4 yrs now that i do. So when i left i read the reports i have from the VA and it says right on there DR Johnson DX bi lateral Optic neuritis (left eye potic atrophy with poor acuity).
    Was also told i had no lesions so therefore again cannot be MS. Reports say i do have lesions just not enought to DX. At this point I am done. I have been through 5 neuros and just give up. Would rather deal with the issues and pain then doctors who are unwilling to listen and speak the truth..
    Sorry for the rant it was just a really aweful day

    Bless your heart, I'm so sorry you're going through this! I wish I could give you some great words of encouragement and advice, but I'm right there in the same boat with you. (I just posted about having called my neurologist about something weird on my MRI she ordered and not getting a reply from her. I've given up on doctors too.)

    I really wish one of us here on this board either was or would go become a doctor so we'd have someone who was compassionate and who knew how it felt to be in our shoes.

    Big hugs and prayers for you.

    Joy is not the absence of suffering. It is the presence of God.
    Cut aspartame from my diet in 2012 and my symptoms have slowly disappeared. Interesting!
    Alpha Lipoic Acid (200 mg) + Acetyl L-carnitine (1,000 mg) = No more fatigue for me!


      I'm so sorry....

      That really stinks!!! No one deserves to be treated like that and it sounds like you've been getting the run around for years. I haven't even begun my journey with the neuros, yet, and I've already given up! Between our Limbolanders here and family members who have been going through the ringer for decades, I think, like you, that I'll just deal with the sx.

      Sending you lots of good thoughts and energy, and wishing you some peace! (((Hugs!)))
      Still in Limboland - started this journey 3/2010.


        *shashi i am sorry you are going through the run around too. hugs to you. i hope you get a response from your neuro soon. i love this site. the ppl are so nice and helpful. Like you said some of the ppl on here would make great doctors knowing how all this feels.

        *hopefuleigh i hope that you have an easy journey with getting a dx. if you just find the right doctor its much better. I'm so surprised at the lack of compassion the VA has for their patients.

        wish you both the best of luck


          I feel bad for you, it's a very frustrating situation. I was DX in 2005 and it's just as frustrating after the DX; I live 30 minutes drive from St. Michael's Hospital, MS Clinic... a WORLD RENOUND MS clinic. I had an MRI on Aug 13, 2010 and I still don't have the results. I keep requesting them to be faxed but never seem to get there! I don't even need to get them now as my neuro will set up new ones in June. Try to keep smiling, I know it's hard sometimes, and hopefully you will get clarification really soon.
          RRMS 2005, Copaxone since 2007
          "I hope to be the person my dog thinks I am."


            Originally posted by Shashi View Post
            I really wish one of us here on this board either was or would go become a doctor so we'd have someone who was compassionate and who knew how it felt to be in our shoes.

            Big hugs and prayers for you.

            Shashi, you hit the nail on the head. You are very knowledgeable in the medical field, you have given me more info than my neuro. How about you become our doctor, lol.

            Too bad we don't have a site or way to post the names of our neuro's and where we live so we can share stories, both good and bad and then others can choose to see the good ones and avoid the bad ones. But we'd probably get sued.

            Those sites that rate doctors is a crock. You don't learn anything about a doctors bedside manner. And that's what most of us want. I don't ask for miracles from a doctor, just listen, validate, help to fix what is in your ability to fix, and be compassionate.

            I believe I will eventually find one (click heels three times) I believe, I believe......


              Originally posted by happy23 View Post
              Shashi, you hit the nail on the head. You are very knowledgeable in the medical field, you have given me more info than my neuro. How about you become our doctor, lol.
              I've actually considered it, but I don't think I have the energy! Just working 5 to 9:30 p.m. wears me out! I'd never make it through med school!!
              Joy is not the absence of suffering. It is the presence of God.
              Cut aspartame from my diet in 2012 and my symptoms have slowly disappeared. Interesting!
              Alpha Lipoic Acid (200 mg) + Acetyl L-carnitine (1,000 mg) = No more fatigue for me!


                The sad truth is..,.

                Our docs, for the most part, are too busy or in some cases they may be brilliant, but it doesn't translate into good people skills!

                My neuro is pretty good with his time; not too good at showing me the MRI results in any depth. I look at the CD I get, but it is essentially meaningless.

                The thing I will never understand is the docs who just dismiss you with hurtful words. What???? I've run into them too often and left their offices feeling so down and dejected to speak.

                I'm sorry for anyone who is going through this. Just don't have the answers.

                I'd like to have a forum in which we could give our own opinions, but in the absence of that on MS World, I urge you to go to one of the many sites that allow you to evaluate your doctor and also see how other patients rate them. Since I don't think we can enter the site name here, just e-mail me for the link.

                You cannot dream yourself into a character; you must hammer and forge yourself one.


                  Very sad...

                  Wow...I am new to this site and I cannot believe the common stories I am reading...

                  To the person who started this thread, I can relate! What is going on with the medical community and the lack of sensitivity?? I have had weird symptoms that come and go for more than ten years.

                  My primary Doctor has sent me for test after test; all come back neg. Consequently, I go home and hope for the best, but always wind up back in her office for a new or worsened crazy symptom.

                  It was not until last month, when I woke up with facial numbness, burning and tingling, for the third time, that I decided to look up possible connections with my symptoms. (there are so many) I was astonished....MS never crossed my mind, but my symptoms over the past ten years point to MS with clarity.......

                  Oh, interestingly, I saw a nuero 3 yrs ago for neck disc issues, and he told me that I have lesions. He said they were common with people who have migranes (which I do) so I believed him and went on my way....

                  recently, had another MRI...and yesterday, went to see a new nuero who made me feel like I am crazy and unworthy to "suggest" a possible DX. He did not even do an exam. He kept referring to my smoking...well, I DON'T SMOKE. (I don't think he believed me.) I don't smoke, or drink, I have really had to take very good care of myself because I know there is something going on with my body...I do all I can to maintain some quality of life and get myself up and into work every day.

                  I don't even know where to go from here....I just read some posts on this site and I can't believe what so many people are dealing with...

                  Do I even press on for a DX? The nuero yesterday looked at me and said, "you don't have MS, your worrying is causing your symptoms...until several weeks ago, I did not even know about MS..I would have cried if I wasn't so I secretly want MS.! He also said that I am past the age for a DX....47.

                  I am very sad for those of you have been down this road.

                  *** Moderator's note - line spacing added for easier reading. Many members have difficulty reading large blocks of text.


                    I am sorry you are going through this. Have you had a EVP? Have you seen a neuro opth? They will confirm if you have had optic neuritis. Often Neuros misunderstand ON, it is best to have it confirmed by a neuro opth. My experience with a neuro opth was AMAZING. I am sure you would find it helpful. I have permanent damage to my right eye from ON, my original neuro told me that I couldn't have ON b/c of the fact she could not "see" anything on the MRI. Silly neuro. Sigh.

                    A VEP will detect damage to the optic nerve that is done by demylination. This is like proof IMO. I also found this to be a helpful test for me. THe neuro opth KNEW I had had ON, but the neuro previously in charge of my care couldn't wait for her (it is a longggg wait to get into them) so she ran this test).

                    I also had a long history of migraines and lesions on my brain that were consistant with both MS and migraine. If you have had ON and have lesions you have an 85% chance of having MS.

                    Have you had a spinal tap? That is what confirmed it for the MS specialist I saw. I had all the same symptoms as you. I got sick fairly suddenly though, with no previous history of illness beyond a stay in the hospital with a non-retractable migraine.
                    Sasha - dx January 2011; tysarbi, zanaflex, gabapentin, and baclofen
                    ~Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it is about learning to dance in the rain.~


                      I am so sadd to know that people here on the boards have bad experiences with Dr's with trying to get to the bottom of the sytoms they have experienced.

                      My sisters friend was told by a Dr that what she is experiencing is all in her head. So my sister asked me for advice for her friend, I told her she needs to research and read and be her own advocate she needs to educate the Dr. I mean, my sister told me her friend had to do to the hospital for her problem. Her friend found out that in her chart it said that she has mental issue and do not treat her if she has issues I so angry for her. Needless to say she was finally dx'd with something wrong with her spine and she had to go to rehab. Her new Dr helped her is sueing the and she now the Dr who said it was all in her head and the hospital for not helping her when she had fallen.

                      I guess what I am trying to say is that no matter if there are good Dr's out there you still have to read and educate and read and research and be your own advocate because nobody is going to be for you. Stand your ground, it is so sad that this does happen, but you do have to be your own advocate..

                      I have been very thankful for having excellent Dr's, but it really breaks my heart that there are Dr's out there that just do not listen to their patients .
                      My Heart goes out to you, I hope you get the answers real soon.


                        can I look at my med chart?

                        I have so much to learn...I just looked up EVP...I have not had that or a spinal tap. Not sure about ON, but I have numerous eye problems...2 years ago I did not even wear glasses. Now, my vision is so poor, blurry in the day and double vision at night...I refuse to drive in the dark. When it rains I am actually a road hazard... my prescription for glasses has increased 5 times in 2 years. I have an appointment with my primary as a follow up at 1:15 today. Maybe this is a silly question...Can I request to see my medical file??


                          Yes i have had an EVP that was the first thing my original neuro did. and from there he instantly knew i had O.N. and he said he was positive i had MS. He did the spinal taps and they came back negative. He was planning on giving me a clinical DX but my husband lost his job and insurance.
                          From there I went to the VA and thats when it all went down hill.
                          My daughter has seizures so I asked her neuro once if seizures could cause eye damage, just so i knew. He told me that i was unhappy with my life and if i got out there and did something with myself i wouldnt be sick anymore. Yeah like that will cure my blindness. I really hate doctors anymore.


                            Originally posted by LMarie View Post
                            Can I request to see my medical file??
                            You can request copies of your medical file. They may charge you for the paper and time to make the copies, but it is within your right to get copies of your reports. You can also get copies of your test results, as well.
                            Joy is not the absence of suffering. It is the presence of God.
                            Cut aspartame from my diet in 2012 and my symptoms have slowly disappeared. Interesting!
                            Alpha Lipoic Acid (200 mg) + Acetyl L-carnitine (1,000 mg) = No more fatigue for me!


                              LMarie, I was diagnosed at 48, so you are not too old to be diagnosed. I was actually diagnosed by a neuro ophathologist. I had a whopping case of ON and when I told him my mother had MS, he promptly sent me off for an MRI - 10 lesions later, I had my diagnosis. I've had good luck with my neuros, no horror stories. My heart aches for those who do. My mother had a real doozy of a jerk back in the 60's when she was diagnosed.
                              Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes, it is the quiet voice at the end of the day that says, "I will try again tomorrow."

