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Can anyone tell me what this is?

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    Can anyone tell me what this is?

    I have a neuro appt tomorrow (thurs.) and Im wanting to mention this to him, but Im afraid he will think Im whack. I have been having chills with goose bumps on my arms and a feeling of impending doom, with flushed face, the hair on the back of my head gets wet as also the inside of my arms. I feel terrible when it happens, and have like a headache and feel really flushed. It seems to happen when I have a full bladder or when Im a bit constipated. sorry if too much info, but its been bothering me for a while. Ive also been having something like the hug, but my stomach is killing me when I eat and afterward for hours, burning pain and bad pain across my back. Ive had heart stress test and gb hideascan, ekgs X4 , blood work, etc. All look good. Im miserable. thanks for listening! Any help or suggestions will be taken seriously.

    Oh wow...

    I thought it was just me! I don't get the headache or the backache, but the goosebumps and impending doom feeling, like I'm going to come out of my skin, happens often when I'm having a flare up. Mine also occurs when my bladder is full. I would love to know what that is, as well. It is one of my least favorite sx. Thanks for posting this...hoping for answers for both of us!
    Still in Limboland - started this journey 3/2010.


      The "impending doom" thing is descriptive of any number of things, especially combined with the other symptoms you mentioned. Tell your neurologist about all of these symptoms at your appointment. Be honest - if it's difficult to talk about them, write them down and give him a list, or even just print out your post from this board.

      I hope it goes well and you get some answers!


        Sounds a bit like a panic attack.
        Or the headspin I get (got) after the first cigarette of the day. There wasn't the sense of impending doom with that though, just a cold sweat and feeling like I was going to faint.
        Or low/high blood pressure.
        Go and see a doctor, I'd say.


          I get that feeling right before I faint. My neuro had a test run for orthostatic intolerance. Now I am much more careful about changing positions and have learned to get down or before I fall down.

          I have learned how to try to raise my blood pressure to fend off fainting.

          Hope you find relief soon.


            Sorry you are going through. By the time you get my response you may already know. BUT.. "goosebumps" are called piloerections and that impending doom feeling MAY be signs of simple partial seizures. NOT necessarily epilepsy.

            I know, I have goosebumps..smells..and some other signs so I had an inpatient video EEG for 5 days to determine if its epilepsy. It was determined to be abnormal EEG but NOT epilepsy. The Seizure Neuro monitored me for awhile and determined it was more due to MS. I am no longer taking meds for it (was taking gabapentin for a year).

            Hope you get answers..HUGS

            I believe in miracles~!
            2004 Benign MS 2008 NOT MS
            Finally DX: RR MS 02.24.10


              thanks for your responses

              It has been determined to be a flare, Im going to take gabapentin for the nerve issues as now I am having the burning, and facial numbness etc. I will let him know about the IVSM if it doesnt settle down soon. I also had shingles in that same area of my spine and abdomen, so take your pick. MS Hug, Postherpetic neuralgia and flare or all 3. Thanks again for your responses.


                Aha. I thought I was going crazy.. along with everything else. I get the goosebumps and chills and doom thing. -- but not all at the same time.

                We have a neurological disorder so I suppose this stuff is just more "fun" symptoms that come with it.


