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Do you still "sweat the small stuff"

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    Do you still "sweat the small stuff"

    I'm newly diagnosed.
    I don't think I'm in denial (about my diagnosis) but I'm having a hard time lately with's hard to explain, let's just say dealing with other people.
    I always thought if I was ever diagnosed with something like this I'd put my needs first. I wouldn't care about all of the small stuff , maybe I'd even start my own "bucket list"
    Why should I care if (for example) someone is having the same stupid arguement with their spouse they've had over & over? If someone isn't happy I didn't or couldn't do what they want? If someone was pissed they didn't get that certain pair of shoes (& I don't know if I'll still be walking next year?)
    I'd really like to enjoy my life & not worry or even think about everyone else.
    Any thoughts?

    Originally posted by candycane View Post
    Why should I care if (for example) someone is having the same stupid arguement with their spouse they've had over & over? If someone isn't happy I didn't or couldn't do what they want? If someone was pissed they didn't get that certain pair of shoes (& I don't know if I'll still be walking next year?)
    Lol, I have never had time for this kind of petty stuff in my life so I didn't have to weed out that as my views changed thanks to stupid MS. Frankly if I was on my death bed I'd still be annoyed by someone whining about things that are so NOT important in the big picture.

    Changing our automatic thought patterns takes time but if you want to change your focus so that you are less concerned with other people's stuff you can do it.

    Maybe some MSers have this life altering rebirth upon diagnosis but for me I'm largely the same although I do feel as if I have gained some insight into how fragile life can be.
    He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion.


      I do, but never to the point where it makes me crazy! .

      Other peoples' problems are just that....their problems. If they're self-created, though, I definitely don't let it get to me.
      “The world breaks everyone, and afterward, some are strong at the broken places.” Ernest Hemingway
      Diagnosed 1979


        Been four years since I got diagnosed and it still is hard to believe that I got so lucky to pull this one out of the hat, OK, so I haven't lost my sense of humor.

        Most days I am usually grumbling about having to get up for work, kinda like before, except now it is "morning numbness, how are you? " and just get used to the new routine. Some days are more of a struggle than others, but listen to my body more.

        As for a bucket list, think everyone should have one, not just because you now have MS. I started traveling more than I have in the past which was a goal and true that I am worried that I might not be able to do that in 15 years, but I am not letting that run my life.

        I can't believe it has already been four years since I found out, I never thought I'd make it through the first year. Hang in there, take it day by day, and remember that you are not alone. Keep moving forward and you will amaze yourself.


          Aren't you the same person you were before MS? I don't think MS has to be the sum of who we are.

          As for other people's problems and your might be a good time to make a change. This takes a conscious effort on your part to control your involvement.

          I just plain don't have time for people's foolishness. Maybe it would help to figure out how much time it takes to listen to all the drama. A plain waste of time to me.

          Diagnosed with MS spring 2010; Still loving life


            In a word, No

            I hit the ground running. I was born on Friday the 13th to a mother with progressive M.S. who couldn't even hold me! This resulted in my being raised by my 4 siblings and overworked father. What a mess from day one! Sweating the little things would have been a luxury. Life is too short, period, M.S. or not!
            Diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis 2004; First sign of trouble: 1994


              Originally posted by candycane View Post
              I'd really like to enjoy my life & not worry or even think about everyone else.
              Any thoughts?
              It is important to put yourself first when confronted by MS...but you seem to want to take it in a bad direction. Just because your sick does not mean friends, family members and people in general are not entitled to their little gripes, complaints and other problems that seem insignificant compared with dealing with MS.

              Don't isolate yourself and push others away...the MS will do a fine job of that all by itself. If your recently diagnosed then you and the people around you have a lot of "growing" to do as far as understanding what it means.

              Try not to let small stuff bother you too much but if there are people who are causing you undue stress and aggravation due to insensitivity or lack of understanding then talk to them about how their actions are affecting you. If we are talking about people who are not important in your life then "don't sweat the small stuff!"


                Small stuff

                I'm humane, so I'm sure that I've sweated things that I didn't need to sweat. What I do know, however, is that I had a crash course in priorities. I don't need to be the executive. Taking care of myself is okay. I don't need to be the best. My having an extra 5 pounds doesn't matter.

                As Tawanda said, life's too short. I'm doing as much as I can, regardless of being on this MS path.


                  Sweating the small stuff

                  I am as guilty as they come when this topic is spoken. I believe I am stuck in a rut, unable to keep my thoughts and beliefs in check. I would like to hear more stories on this topic and maybe find better ways to deal with what seems to be bothering me. Thanks


                    Maybe we shouldn't waste our time and energy in thinking about things that are not important. Having MS shouldn't make a fool. Instead, enjoy your life and use your life to your happiness.


                      For me, getting diagnosed was a reality check in a way--a reminder about what is really important. We are on this planet for such a short time, and whether we are miserable or happy, the time will pass. I am a cup-half-full kind of girl. Serious health issues rattle my cage, make me wake up, and say seize the day, bite the apple, get out there and love every minute that you can. I try to pay as little attention as possible to my physical limitation/issues, and focus on the positive....
                      focus on the positive...
                      focus on the positive...


                        I was quite angry for a few weeks. It really ticked me off that mean grumpy people were not sick and I was. Now, I just try to ignore all of the people that are constantly griping and complaining..because I know that you can be a perfectly healthy griping complaining person one day and by the next you can be a numb, limping, unhealthy person.. A theory I really like that life is not measured by the amount of breaths you take but by the moments that take your breath away...


                          At the risk of sounding selfish, I worry about me first. Every morning when I open my eyes and before my feet hit the floor I wonder if my body will follow my feet and hit the floor (LOL). If I stay upright then I figure it is going to be a good day. Oh yeah I am like everyone else and have to deal with the daily sx's, some days worse than others, but I make sure I take care of me. If I need some quiet time I take it. If I want to be alone I go somewhere to be alone. If I want to talk I come here where everyone can truly understand. I come here everyday, some may so too often, but this is where I learn, and laugh. And that takes care of me.
                          Dx'd 4/1/11. First symptoms in 2001. Avonex 4/11, Copaxone 5/12, Tecfidera 4/13 Gilenya 4/14-10/14 Currently on no DMT's, Started Aubagio 9/21/15. Back on Avonex 10/15

                          It's hard to beat a person that never gives up.
                          Babe Ruth

