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@ Rest Area 51 Paging ALL MS Newbies May 01 '11

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    @ Rest Area 51 Paging ALL MS Newbies May 01 '11

    Welcome to Rest Area 51... a special haven or your New MS family for newbies Dx'd w/MS in recent days or years and newbies at . Being a newbie can be as scary and lonely as being in limbo, Remember we are you family away from family. The BIG question answered, means many more new questions and decisions.

    If you have not taken a advantage of our Rest Area 51 lately, PLEASE grace us with your presence, take a break from the MSuper hwy and let us know how YOU, a member of our MS newbies family is doing. For those who stop in and say hello each week, thanks.

    Hope everyone had a great week!

    Pull into a nice cozy shady parking spot Pitch a tent or just lay out a blanket and enjoy the crisp cool fresh air . Feel free to share your ideas, experiences and support to your fellow newbies. Relax, you are among friends that understand. We have a virtual soap box, feel free to vent anytime.

    Have a QUESTION? Please don't be shy........
    The only dumb stupid question..... the one NOT asked.

    Newbies..... a quick short note.
    If you are real new and confused about meds, eitehr DMDs, aka CRABs or Sx relief, I suggest you check out the medications forum for more specific related postings on that topic. Feel free to ask questions about how we made whatever decision WE made.

    How was your Week? ........

    ...Good I hope, Any Dr. apts tests etc?

    What does the new week have in store for you?
    ....Any Dr. apts. tests etc.

    It's MAY, Rain, rain, rain go away,
    ...................don't come back another day.

    = = = =

    Gomer Dr. of, Been There, Done That

    Quite a week (newbie to the rest area)

    I had my appt with my PCP (who is amazing) and spent most of it in tears, told her I'm just not coping. The Avonex injections are freaking me out, I hate my job, my DH and I are arguing all the time etc etc etc. She suggested I try a light anti-depressant, and after some thought, I decided to give it a try.

    Next appt for the day was my first with a counsellor courtesy of the MS Society. During the very tearful session I worked out why the injections are freaking me out so much. A few weeks ago I must have nicked a vein and bled quite a bit. I hate the sight of my own blood, so that was pretty unpleasant, but every injection since has bled as well. Figured out that's why I'm so freaked out! Think I'll just go back to stabbing myself rather than using the pen mechanism and see if that helps.

    So a couple of breakthroughs for me this week. DH is pretty convinced of the effectiveness of the anti-depressant and I don't know where the depression was coming from, MS or Avonex, but I'm delighted that it seems to have settled down for the time being.

    Hope everyone else's weeks have been good? I've been lurking, haven't actually posted in the rest area before.

    Diagnosis February 2011 Avonex: February 2011 - September 2011, Copaxone: September 2011 - current


      Welcome Kiwi....We are a good group, glad to have you along.

      Boring week for me, but I have lots of stuff to do around house, so that will keep me busy. Girlfriend is bored this week too, so she is coming over Wed or Thursday to visit. Yeah company.

      Going to science center on Sat. for grandson's Invention Convention and that is about it.

      Some weeks I do not mind just hanging around my house with dogs and I think this might just be one of them.

      Hope you all have a good week.



        Hi and WELCOME KiWi .......

        I am on Copaxone, at first I/we used the autoject devce but went to straight shooting, the ole fashioned way, by hand with the syringe. I am diabetic and do multiple insulins shots every day, so I had 3 decades of My wife was also taught at the local diabetes clinic to give me insulin shots, so it was no biggie for either of us. (plus we both prefer the ole fashioned way.

        May I suggest some additinal injection training, or a revisit by the nurse that gave you your first lesson. Sometimes it takes repeating for us to GET IT.

        Hope everyone is doing OK, including Journeyman...

        Gomer Dr. of, Been There, Done That


          In need of babysitter for self.

          Met my new PCP this AM and finally sombody I think I can work with.

          VA orientation on the 21st.

          DISASTERS: I thought you might get a laugh or a tear out of these.

          1. last Sunday my wife noticed I was acting crazier than usual. ie 5 socks on one foot, no underwear but looking for the tv channel selector under the couch. (try not to dwell on that scene. Only the transparent truth here. )

          When she talked to me couldn't speak. So she got me dressed and off to the ER. On the way there for (no) reason I began sobbing. After the blood work they began flushing me with IV.s

          ( you see one of my pills is sl. orange and the other is more peach.??) Apparently I had mixed them up. So now I was Lithium Toxic. ( Funny I never learned that in nursing school or psych.) I was, of course, a terrible patient.

          I pulled my IV's out, peed the bed, wouldn't eat. Went wandering the halls after the lights went out.

          It took three days to get my speech back and a week for my orientation to people things and sanity.

          2. Back home trying to be normal. We decided to Bar-B-QUE. Put the burgers on and then I heard a hissing sound.
          I thought a valve was loose and began checking.

          I listened to the tank and connections. The next thing I knew there was a fireball all around me and my head. Then it was out.

          Wondering if I was still alive I opened the back door. My wife said "What? then began laughing." Suffice to say there were no burns - just from the flash.

          No I will not enclose a picture of me but just lets just say I wanted to know what I looked like in a Marine haircut. Oh - minus eyebrows, sideburns and a lot of stinky, kinky, hair. Fortunately I was not hurt but I am looking for a cheap playpen for myself. I'll just watch CNN and be a good guy.

          3. Count this with the recent fall from the ladder a couple of weeks ago I'd say I am becoming accident prone.

          I think the Lord is getting the car running to bring me home one way or another.
          Still all in one piece.


   I am SUPRISED they did not commit you to the psyc ward for a spell...or is that a hex?

            GLAD to hear you were not harmed, other than folicle growth and pride. I am sure it was NOT fun-e at the time, but reading your post made me ROF&LOL, thanks for the lol.

            I will have to check with my kids to see if they have a used play pen available, or just meander down to goodwill. Maybe we need a BUBBLE to put you in, to protect you from YOU!

            I wonder how your wife is taking all this? Is she terrified?

            Gomer Dr. of, Been There, Done That


              All patched up for another weekend.

              Interesting thing happened while in the hospital. A visiting Neuro that I went to years ago asked my wife and daughter if they were sure I had MS? She said that on an MRI a year ago and the one they took during this hospitalization showed that I had no evidence of MS. No lesions or signs or symptoms.

              Ok I want to know why I feel so crappy and have all the symptoms. So this week I am headed out for a third opinion and the VA report. My dau is a lawyer and she is already asking perteninent questions for me.

              I want to know what is going on here. ???

