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    After dr's declaring 2 years ago that I probably didn;t have MS they are bringing it up again. I have rheumatoid arthritis and antiphospholipid antidody syndrome that have been confirmed. But the dr's said that didn;t explain the neurological symptoms I was having. I was having trouble walking right and coordinating my legs. Now they are back. I started having bad back pain and uncordinated and had to use a cane. I am soooo tired I cannot stay awake all day. My whole body feels heavy. I am also dizzy and lightheaded feeling. I have been home from work for nearly 2 weeks now. The first few days I was so out of it I barely remember and had trouble understanding what people were saying to me. My family wanted to take me to the ER but the thought of walking to the car was just overwhelming.

    Now, I am waiting on the results of blood tests and my new gp has ordered the test results from my neuro of my last episode. She brought up MS again. It's so frustrating not knowing. I can deal with anything as long as I know what I am up against. I don;t know what else can cause these symptoms. She said maybe mini-strokes. They have done MRI's but not a spinal puncture. They found abnormal blood work at that time and sent me to a hemotologist who diagnosed APS (my bloods too thick). A past neuro said he found evidence of brain stem damage and said hopefully it was just from the b12 deficiency that he then put me on treatment for.

    I have only been this tired when I had mono and was pregnant that resulted in a miscarriage. It's beyond what I get from the arthritis. Thanks for reading and listening to me vent. I feel all alone in this.

    Hugs.... I am so sorry you are on that roller coaster! I was on one many years ago... diagnosed, undiagnosed, diagnosed, undiagnosed, then diagnosed again..... Vent away, you deserve it!!!
    MS, it's a brain thang!
    Proud to have served, U.S Army WAC


      Then they tell you to avoid stress, right? I agree it is aggravating and frustrating. Hang in there, you can do it.
      As far as possible without surrender, be on good terms with all persons.

