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talk about fatigue!

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    talk about fatigue!

    I know we've beat this subject to death, but it's so tough to deal with it.

    Can you guy please describe your fatigue to me? I can get so tired with the simplest activity, like cooking, walking from room to room, using my arms! And I guess I have Vertigo. I feel off balance just sitting down. Looking out a window does me in. I've had this "dizziness" for years (on and off). Was one of my first symptoms. I test positive for Rombergs every time I see the neuro. But she doesn't offer any suggestions.

    I've had all the heart tests and seem to ace them. I have palpitations which sometimes go along with the fatigue and the lightheadedness. I also have Graves disease, so I have to try to remind myself that I have a few other a/i diseases going on.

    I'd appreciate any and all replies and suggestions.

    The only cure for insomnia is to get more sleep.

    Sounds familiar! I hate when people say, "why don't you take a nap." I describe fatigue as like I ran a marathon. It's not sleepy tired, it's like I have used all my energy.
    dx 7/2002 - on Rebif since dx...just changed to Copaxone 1/2011

    "There is a difference between acceptance and approval"


      I think the worse part of this damn fatigue is that the person we are inside, isn't fatigued, it's our bodies!

      Right now, I am so frustrated. I have always taken care of everything...raised kids, cooked meals, took care of critters, took care of 7.5 acres, worked outside the home, remodeled my home, did all the running around needed (shopping, etc), kept my house spotless, and now I have to rely on someone else! My house is not how I kept it, the land looks horrible, work on the house needs to be done, and I can't do it anymore. I am so ready to just walk away from everything, I am so tired of being tired!
      MS, it's a brain thang!
      Proud to have served, U.S Army WAC


        My fatigue (and keep in mind I haven't been diagnosed yet) is not sleepy fatigue, though I have been really sleepy lately. My fatigue is more of a feeling that my arms and legs weigh 300 lbs apiece and that it's difficult to move. I feel like I've run a 20K race uphill through neck deep mud. Sometimes just combing my hair is exhausting.

        Usually and for the past year and a half, the two anti-oxidants in my signature have helped tremendously with the fatigue, but I'm going through a bad flare up of symptoms right now and they're not working as well as they normally do. Of course, there's not telling how bad the fatigue might be without them, so I'm glad I still have them.

        I hope you get some relief soon.


        Joy is not the absence of suffering. It is the presence of God.
        Cut aspartame from my diet in 2012 and my symptoms have slowly disappeared. Interesting!
        Alpha Lipoic Acid (200 mg) + Acetyl L-carnitine (1,000 mg) = No more fatigue for me!


          I'm with you WACVet, I'm so tired of being tired.

          I am so interested in your post, marti. The fatigue is the worst part of my ms at the moment. I am tired all the time. When I'm lying in bed after a good night's sleep, I feel I could stay there all day. I put a few cups and mugs in an overhead cupboard the other day and my arms felt as if I had been lifting a ton weight. Little things exhaust me and I feel I could sleep any time of the day. I thought it was the heat (we've just finished summer), but that excuse is gone, then I thought it was coming off the antidepressants (that was a treat!), now I know it's just life.

          I am lucky to have a close friend who has ms, and she told me that a few years back she was just the same, so she has given me hope that mine, too, will be a passing thing. It's so hard just coping with everyday, and my head is so messed up it's frightening - I cannot understand why my husband stays with me. He's not that sensitive and he just does not understand how badly I want to be the person I once was. Says I should just accept it and move on. I think he should move on instead of having to put up with a dead weight like me. My thoughts become so awful sometimes, but I have 2 adult children whom I love so much and I know I have so many things to be grateful for.

          That's it for fatigue, keep hoping that it's a phase - a long one - that can improve. I do take the cocktail of acetyl - l carnitine and alpha lipoic acid that I read about on a post here, and I believe that helps. Hang in there and keep moving! That part is so important so our bodies don't seize up.


            Weird thing about ms fatigue - I find it hard to sleep. Dead tired, can't sleep. Thank you, disease. On the plus side, Bin Laden is no more.


              Agree with all of you 100%. Fatigue is unbelievable. The ALA & ACL have been helpful.


                Fatigue ? All i can say is right now i feel like i have weights tied to me and its almost painful to be awake in a way like torture. UGH. I wish i could go home and lay down. I feel like i have used up all my energy and am running on empty.

                I'm sure most of us deal with this.


                  I know that the people who responded to this point probably won't check back in to this thread, but I want to thank all of you anyway.

                  I agree with everything you all have said and understand what you are going thru.

                  Skippy, you hang in there. Your hubby probably understands better than you think. But I know they don't always get it. And I know about wanting my old life back.

                  Thinkimbob... I can't sleep either, although I'm always tired. I've tried every sleep med/supplement known to man. It sucks.

                  You all mean so much to me. Be well.

                  The only cure for insomnia is to get more sleep.


                    I feel like one of those poor wild animals that are minding their own business, and get shot with a tranquilzer dart! First they get wobbly, then the back end goes,and then down for the count. You know they are thinking "What the heck just happened!" as they lay there trying to get up but can't!


                      I do not have a problem with fatique. I sleep well not on any type of ms medication. My main problem is tight neck/shoulders - right leg acts up don't hurt or anything.. I stay so tensed.. feels like its tensed all the time.

                      When I go grocery shopping or any other errands I can't wait to get home.. not because I am tired but leg act up sometimes.

                      Ms. Jay
                      Still in denial since being diagnosed 2/2011



                        I have to say I agree with most of what I have read here. Most of the same sleep troubles. I have to ask if I am the only one in this. I can be here in my bed..which I have to spend most of my time in, and reading these posts. Then nothing..I pass out with no previous notice. My husband will try to wake me, he is unable to. He removes laptop and reading glasses. Then he attempts to get me more comfortable. Have me lay down rather than sitting up with neck bent to the side. He can't move me. Not a bit. I remember none of it. I wake up many hours later.


                          My fatigue manifests itself as sleep, lot of it, 12 to 14 hours of it if my husband doesn't prod me to stay awake. If he does, I keep dozing off in between verbal prods. This really doesn't leave lots of time for normal activities slowed up as i am. It frustrates both of us.
                          Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes, it is the quiet voice at the end of the day that says, "I will try again tomorrow."


                            MS fatigue is absolutely debilitating. That's all there is to it!! I get so mad that I can't stay in bed when I want to, don't have the energy to take care of my house like I used to, when I am able to get some extra rest I feel guilty because I should be spending time with my family, can't focus on my job, spending every other minute wishing I was home in bed... BLAH!

                            I will say, however, it was soooo awesome to have almost 2 full months of feeling so much better. Loved it! It was really close to normal! Notice I said LoveD. Darn it, it crept back up again!

                            Arisingphoenix, love your analogy!! That is so accurate!

                            Mymichelina, I can't say that I've just fallen asleep while doing something, and can't be arroused. That sounds a little scary! I will feel, all of a sudden, that I can't keep my eyes open another second, and drag myself to bed or turn off the computer or tv. I used to be a very light sleeper. Now, I'm very difficult to wake up. I have our alarm clock on my side of the bed because I'm SUPPOSED to get up earlier than my husband, but I could sleep for days with the alarm blaring! My husband has to shake me to wake me up, and even then, I don't realize why he's waking me up! I used to wake up with my kids standing next to my bed, before they even said anything. Now, they have to wake my husband up if they have a bad dream.

                            I will say that there is one positive about this MonSter fatigue for me... I never used to take naps. Now, on weekends, my daughter and I cuddle and take naps together. I do enjoy that.

                            Sending everyone lots of hugs (and energy )...!

                            Be well,
                            , T2B

                            "I have a lot of pain in my microwave".


                              feels awful

                              i describe it as this:
                              ya know when you realize your sick with a cold, and that sick feeling washes over you, and over you and over you?

                              I have a cascading sense of utter fatigue wash over me and over me and over me.......without ceasing. I feel like I ran a marathon while juggling grand pianos.

                              Any activity done with the least amount of purpose zaps me of all strength immediately. Nothing I drink or eat will take it away.

                              it is awful.
                              Nov 2011 Muscle Biopsy Result: "Not enough info to further classify the disease" demyelinating disease of unknown origin

