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Choice of medications

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    Choice of medications

    I was just recently diagnosed with MS. The MRI of the brain showed 50-60 lesions. I don't have too many symptoms other than lightheaded spells that last 15-20 seconds and occur once every 5 mins to 5 hours apart (depending on whether I am seated or moving around). Sometimes I experience clumsy movement in the right leg or right arm during such a spell & then everything is back to normal after the 15 seconds.

    My first neurologist didn't explain all my choices very well & just prescribed Avonex for me. A second neurologist recommended I go on something more aggressive considering the number of lesions I already have. He suggested, Tysabri.

    I am concerned about PML, of course. Can you guys share your experiences with the drugs you are on or have used. Any thoughts on Copaxone, Avonex, etc?

    Secondly, I read that patients with a weakened immune system have a greater chance of PML. That would mean I would be better off going straight to Tysabri than weakening the immune system with another drug like Avonex & then moving to Tysabri.

    This website is a great resource.

    None of the CRAB medications 'weaken' the immune system, they work to modify how it acts on things. I have been on Avonex for a decade and it is working very well for me. What I like is the once a week schedule. If you are real concerned with PML then it is probably not the thing for you, stress can be a bear.

    Do what you can to be the healthiest you can, try to reduce stress.
    Scuba, true meaning of Life! USS Wilkes Barre 91, USS Monitor 96, 97, 99 .. Andrea Doria 96, 98 .. San Francisco Maru 09


      I was diagnosed recently, with lots of large lesions. I was started out on Rebif since it initially works quicker than other DMTs. I also consulted a neurologist at an MS Center who recommended I do a few months of pulse steroids so that Rebif would have time to kick in.

      I also was freaked out by PML if I had to switch to Tysabri and very glad that my latest MRI was good so I could stay on Rebif. The MS neurologist showed me a powerpoint of MRI films of patients with silent MS and lots of lesions. Having a lot of lesions doesn't necessarily mean you must start out on the big gun drugs. I hope you are able to try one of the CRAB drugs or Gilenya before you move to Tysabri. Those frontline drugs work for a lot of people. Best of luck to you .

