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Does anyone else with MS run a low grade fever?

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    Does anyone else with MS run a low grade fever?

    I was just dx'd a few weeks ago.. well my doctor said he was 99.9 sure it was ms. Anyways I've been getting low grade fevers for the past 2 years, it started when my son was born, so I thought maybe something happened that I wasnt aware of during the delivery.

    the temp runs anywhere from 99.5 to 100.9 once in awhile 101. I;m feverish- 11am to clock work.. , after that I dont have a fever and feel close to "normal"..

    the worst part is i am always run down when I have it. the only thing that ever came of blood work they did was a high crp of 4, and a sed rate of 35.

    Does anyone else run a fever with their ms? if so what do you take for it? tylenol doesn't phase me anymore and I cant take motrin/ibuprofen (sp)

    I do

    I run fevers in the 99's. I feel really bad then because my usual temp is lower than normal at 97.6.

    If I am particularly bad I use what I have handy to take, cold medicine at half dose, aleve, or tylenol.

    Otherwise I just drink lots of cold water and use a cool wet washrag on my neck, face or top of my head.

    I figure when I have a fever like that my body is attacking itself. When we fight infections don't we tend to run fevers?


      Me too!

      I normally run 97.6, but I tend to run low grade fevers of 99+ also. I also have Lupus, so I don't know what causes the low grade fevers, MS, Lupus, or something else.
      MS, it's a brain thang!
      Proud to have served, U.S Army WAC


        I do, and have for at least the last five years off and on. Right now, they're off but I'm having night sweats too. Not drenching night sweats, but enough to dampen my clothes. My fevers are the exact same temperature range as yours. When I'm not having them, my temp is below normal. So far, I have no diagnosis and not much is showing up in my blood labs either.
        I do not have MS. I have Whatchamacallit; and all of the symptoms are mirages.


          I forgot to mention, it appears the fevers might be related to the Hashimoto's thyroiditis. Once my TPO antibody levels dropped into the normal range, the fevers almost completely disappeared. They only come on now right at the beginning of a minor flare up of symptoms.
          I do not have MS. I have Whatchamacallit; and all of the symptoms are mirages.

