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    This SUCKS!

    We've been trying to make this marriage work for over a year now and it's getting no where. My hb was diagnosed over 8 years ago now and has never delt with it. Now the depression is worse than I've ever seen him. He's gone to stay with a friend because he just can't stand to be around the kids and I. Says he's too aggitated to be here. Went to the dr. today and they've increased his anti-depressent, put him on an anti-anxiety, given him narcotics for when the pain is really bad, refilled his regular pain meds, sleeping pills, pills to keep him awake, it doesn't seem to end.

    I'm starting to wonder if the dr. has a clue what he's doing. Then on top of that he's adding beer on top of all of it. He's so depressed and so anxious that he can't stand to be around the kids and I, but yet he takes an anti anxiety pill and goes to the bar with friends. I am soooooo tired of this whole thing. He is not the same person I married. There is a huge change in his personality! He has turned into a cold, mean, hateful person. Not sure he can get much lower at this point, think he may be getting close to rock bottom, although I would have thought that would have come after his extra marital activities came to light, but there is always an excuse for that.

    Everything goes back to he's so unhappy, says he is doesn't care whether he lives or dies. Would never hurt himself, but just doesn't care about anything or anyone anymore. I don't have a clue how to help him or if I even can. He has pushed me away completely and more often than not I think he'd just rather be alone, but he's too afraid to say it. He's not nice to me or the kids the majority of the time. I have an appointment with my fourth attorney now, as I seem to find something wrong with each one to avoid having to actually go through with anything.

    We've done the couples counseling, he swears the counselor was on my side and didn't see any of his points, we are now in individual counseling. Mine says I'll know when it's time to pull the plug, but she can't believe I haven't done it yet. Keeps encouraging me to have an attorney ready as he's so volatile and unpredictable I have no idea what he would do if I did tell him I want out. He's actually made jokes about letting our 2 year old drown in the pool, refers to our oldest (who's also seeing a counselor for anxiety at 7) as a "pussy" not in front of our son of course, but still who says that about their child.

    When I ask what his counselor had to say, he'll say "he told me to cut your brake lines" Just has no sense of what's really funny and what's hurtful. I can't figure him out and I'm tired of trying. Has anyone else seen a huge change in personality in a spouse with MS? How do you deal with it? I feel so guilty for wanting out. We've been together since high school and I can't imagine life without him, but I certainly don't look forward to life with him the way he is now.

    I'm just so frustrated, wish I could figure out how to help him, how to make it easier or better for him. I don't know how or if he's ever going to figure out how to live with his MS and realize all the good things he has in his life.

    **Post broken into paragraphs by Moderator for easier reading. Many people with MS have visual difficulties that prevent them from reading large blocks of print.**

    Wow, that sounds really really brutal. I'm so sorry for what you're going through. Yes, sometimes there are major personality changes in people with MS. Frontal Lobe lesions can affect a persons mood, personality, social propriety and understanding. Definitely google it.
    It sounds like your husband is not facing, or accepting his disease, is doing his best to escape it. Unfortunately, you and the kids are collateral damage. His behavior is unacceptable, disease or no disease. He sounds very angry and hopeless. Problem is, he has to want to get better, be better, and deal with his disease before his attitude will change. It sounds like you understand what a complicated, erratic and frustrating disease it is, or at least to a point. While I don't know the whole story, it seems to me your husband may have had issues before the MS began to truly mess with his head.
    Frankly, as someone with MS, who is going downhill, I'm inclined to tell you to bail. You and the kids shouldn't have to suffer because he doesn't want to face life and reality.
    I wish I could do more, or help in some way. If you ever need to ask questions about the disease or anything like that, we are here for you.
    Take care of you and the kids. Just because he has MS, doesn't mean your husband isn't an adult who should be thinking about his family as well as his disease.


      I have to agree sucks

      I am assuming your marriage couselor was a good one. When one person in family counseling claims the counselor is taking sides it's because that person doesn't want to hear they are wrong. Sometimes it hurts to hear someone point out what you are doing wrong.

      This can also be a person who doesn't want to take responsibility for their own actions. It's easier to blame everyone else that look at who you really are and what you are doing to those around you.

      You seem to be on the edge, not knowing if you leave or stay. As a suggestion: Push the limit with him. Tell him he either gets his act together --- Stops drinking while on the meds he's on, makes a very real effort to get help both with the marriage and his or it's time for the marriage to end.

      If he disregards what you are saying and how you feel, you then have the answer as to his feelings about his health and your marriage.

      This disease is not and should not be used as an excuse for bad my opinion.
      Diagnosed 1984
      “Lightworkers aren’t here to avoid the darkness…they are here to transform the darkness through the illuminating power of love.” Muses from a mystic


        I whole heartedly agree with Snoopy


          Originally posted by SNOOPY View Post
          Push the limit with him. Tell him he either gets his act together --- Stops drinking while on the meds he's on, makes a very real effort to get help both with the marriage and his or it's time for the marriage to end.

          If he disregards what you are saying and how you feel, you then have the answer as to his feelings about his health and your marriage.
          I agree with the Snoopy's post and thought this was great advise.

          I also agree with you that; "THIS SUCKS!"

          Start some action now. The time that is being wasted is yours also? (unless you are into wasting time?)


            Sadly I think I have my answer. It is with such heart break that I can't do this to myself or my kids any longer. My son who is 7 was crying uncontrollably tonight telling me he just didn't know what was wrong, he's making himself physically sick (throwing up) with worry. I can't do this to my kids I have to protect them and give them the best shot at life that I can. I told my hb he has to quit yelling and such he's scaring our son and his only reply was I just don't care, is he going to be a pussy all his life. NOT ok! I feel like I have failed I can't pull this marriage together, I can't seem to help him, and he doesn't seem to care. I believe he may be cheating again and above all and more importantly I can no longer be treated this way and I can no longer subject my kids to this. It breaks my heart to see what has happened to him and what he's become, I know he never wanted any of this. I just hope that my kids will understand and not be angry that I didn't stand by him when he was sick. I can't do this anymore



              You have not failed, you tried marriage counseling and individual counseling. It sounds like you have tried to help him --- he doesn't seem to want your help.

              What else are you supposed to do?

              Your protective instincts as a mother have kicked in and it hurts and probably angers you to see what your husband and his anger is doing to the children.

              Your husband sounds like he has become self-destructive. Is it denial with MS, mixing his prescriptions with alcohol, depression or all of it? I don't know, but you cannot help someone who doesn't want help.

              He has to help himself, if he doesn't it won't matter what you or anyone tries to won't work.

              Your children won't be angy, maybe confused. Separatiion/Divorce is difficult for children but I believe the longer your children are out of the current situation you will see the light in their eyes return and the physical reactions disappear.

              You might think about therapy for your children...if possible.

              I am very sorry your marriage didn't survive but I do believe (from what you have written) you are making the right choice for you and your children.
              Diagnosed 1984
              “Lightworkers aren’t here to avoid the darkness…they are here to transform the darkness through the illuminating power of love.” Muses from a mystic


                I have to say, my roles are reversed. I've had MS for 17 years with a positive outlook and your husband sounds exactly like mine. I, too, am getting to the end of my rope and am considering divorce but there are no kids involved. Good luck to you in whatever you decide to do.


                  I'm so sorry you're going through this. And I'm sorry also, for what your husband is going through. Neither one is easy. But it sounds like you've fought the good fight and it might be time to put your foot down and lay it on the line. We had a similar situation here not too long ago.

                  What I found out - laying it all on the line is what it took for him to see and hear me for the first time in ten years. Things have been improving ever since. I feel like I finally have my husband back. But it would never have happened if he hadn't had to face the prospect of losing us over his behavior.

                  Maybe, like mine, it will snap him out of it. Maybe it won't. He needs to leave until he can come back and treat you and the kids with the respect and compassion you deserve. Until then, enjoy living the bachelor life out of a hotel room or the basement of a friend.

                  It's one thing to be miserable, it's another thing altogether when you take it out on your family and friends. So wrong.
                  I do not have MS. I have Whatchamacallit; and all of the symptoms are mirages.

