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Are lesion locations related to where u get tingling?

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    P.S. thank you for re posting the info. I have a diagnosis and have had multiple MRIs etc i have never looked at them or been told where lesions are besides dozens around my brain stem and spinal cord as a general area.

    I'm sure i could look this up but i wasn't particularly seeking the info but if someone says they have it I'll read it as always knowledge is power.


      I appopogize, MaxGrey

      Originally posted by MaxGrey View Post
      Sorry... I thought you had posted to the OP with the links in one post before by the sound of it and thought a link to your old post might be easy instead of me looking at all your old posts trying to figure out what one it was.
      Hey MaxGrey--that was just me being nasty. if you saw i replied twice to you saying first i'm happy to share any links i have that someone else is interested in....then immediately afterwards i also replied with this nasty reply, when i thought by asking for the links you were calling me a liar and wanted me to defend myself---soon after i made this reply Justsayyes replied and made me realized it was over-sensitivity and a little bit of paranoid thinking on my part. so i hope you will forgive this rude reply, i wasn't thinking right. i actually am very happy when i run into someone on the message board who is interested in the same articles i am. Please forgive my rude, paranoid reply directed at you. you said nothing to deserve my rudeness, it was me being paranoid. i thought you were out to get me, go figure that one???? i hope you were still able to find some useful info in the links, like i just said, i really like to find someone else who is interested in what i am too.
      I'm very sorry for my rude reply, you didn't deserve it, but i hope you will forgive it.


        I'm a little bit or a lot ashamed and embarrassed at the reply i posted. as my mom would also tell me, i deserve to be embarrassed after having done that


          Originally posted by 0485c10 View Post
          I'm a little bit or a lot ashamed and embarrassed at the reply i posted. as my mom would also tell me, i deserve to be embarrassed after having done that
          Don't worry about it I get nasty sometimes too; we all do and you weren't all that bad. I saw your post later saying sorry. Its all good

          I really found the ( very informative like justsayyes did. thanks for posting that.

          I was just reading a blurb about MMJ reducing inflammation and thus helping stop disease progression; this tied into that well saying that disease progression is inflammation etc.

