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MRI with contrast question for everyone!

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    MRI with contrast question for everyone!

    I had my follow up MRI with contrast the other day and felt extremely fatigued and sick. My question is this normal or not? Has anyone else felt this way? I have felt bad since. Thanks guys and gals.

    Hello MS inBama

    Just to let you know that I didn't feel fatigued or sick when I had MRI's with contrast. Actually, I felt better after the whole ordeal was over with

    Maybe others will share how they felt.

    Hope you're feeling better soon.

    Take care,
    PPMS for 26 years (dx 1998)
    ~ Worrying will not take away tomorrow's troubles ~ But it will take away today's peace. ~


      No but

      I haven't ever experienced fatigue from the contrast, but I'd definitely tell your dr in case it's a sign of allergic reaction.
      Dx in May 2008 at age 44



        MRIs always make me feel fatigued for about 24 hours afterward. They have never made me feel sick. Explain what you mean by 'sick.' Could it be that you just happened to be coming down with a virus at the time you had your MRI? Is this your first MRI with contrast? Some people have a negative reaction to the contrast dye and you should tell you doc.


          Never had a problem after my MRIs with contrast either.

          Hopefully I never do- hope your feeling back to normal soon!


            The stress of the whole MRI event can be so stressful, you feel drained afterwards.

            There are many who report headaches, and tummy aches after the Gadolinium infusion. Some feel bloated, and and puffy.

            There are extremely rare accounts of kidney damage after Gad infusions, and need to be followed up with an MD.

            If you are just feeling wrung out, drink tons of extra water to help you flush out after the dye. With in 24 hours 90% of it should be gone. Hydratation is your friend. If the sx continue past the 24 hour mark, please call your MD.


              No, I've never had any issues after MRIs with contrast, and I've had a bunch. Since it's been several days, it's probably not related to the dye, but there's no harm in calling a doctor or the imaging center to ask what they think.
              Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a great battle.


                I've only had two MRIs w/contrast but have never felt ill. The 2nd MRI I had did cause me a LOT of pain though. The nurse that put the IV in did not have it in right and the steroids went right into my skin. It felt the top of my right arm had been laid directly on a stove. That was no fun at all.

                Sorry to hear it made you sick. Did your dr recommend anything that might help?


                  No I was not coming down with a virus. was not running a temp either. It was also my second MRI with contrast. Thanks for all the responses!

