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North Carolina-Tornados destroyed my town yesterday

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    North Carolina-Tornados destroyed my town yesterday

    Hi there everyone!

    I was just wondering if anybody out there is from NC.

    I live in Sanford NC and my town was destroyed by tornadoes yesterday. Many houses are leveled and our Lowes store is absolutely destroyed.

    Just wondering if anybody else lives in this area.

    Me and my family are ok.

    This is the first time sense my dx that i havn't thought about my ms. Just wondering if any of the rest of our ms family has been affected and needs help.


    Hi Little Elf

    Wow - I saw the devastation on TV, and wondered if anyone from MS World had been affected.

    Glad you and your family are ok.

    Is your entire neighborhood ok?

    Sometimes a tornado will destroy one side of the street, or sometimes everything but 1 house, half of a house, etc. They can be very tricky....

    Take care,
    PPMS for 26 years (dx 1998)
    ~ Worrying will not take away tomorrow's troubles ~ But it will take away today's peace. ~


      I saw that on t.v., littleelf! Horrible storms! Thanks for letting us all know that you're okay. Now, for the clean-up......
      “The world breaks everyone, and afterward, some are strong at the broken places.” Ernest Hemingway
      Diagnosed 1979



        Thanks for letting us know you are OK. I was watching the Weather Channel when the tornadoes were hitting your area. I'm so sorry your town was hit.

        I hope our other MSWorld friends from all the areas hit by the tornadoes this past weekend are also OK. I've been wondering about of few MSWorld friends ...

        Please keep us updated on how you are doing. I can't imagine how stressful this must be. I hope your MS remains stable.

        Wishing you well, and saying a prayer for you and everyone in your town.

        “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” ― Max Planck


          Thanks for the well wishes everybody.

          It is so strange - where the tornados hit, it is horrible, but then 30ft away perfectly fine.

          My neighborhood is totally fine, also my ms is fine. I am newly dx and dont have many symptoms right now.

          I am going to get out there and try to help with the clean up.

          My heart is just a bit broken over it right now.



            LittleElf, I live in North Carolina, just south of Raleigh. I am so sorry for you all in Sanford and for all the others throughout the state that were hit so badly!

            The death, injuries and devastation to homes and businesses is just awful! My heart goes out to all of you!

            My family and I were so lucky! You all are in my thoughts and prayers!
            Previous Meds: Avonex, Copaxone
            Beta Babe: January 2007


              Live near Charlotte NC

              Sorry about your town; glad to hear you are okay.

              We got the storm, but no tornado. However the wind and hail was awful and we have damage to our roof and siding. We are supposed to see the insurance adjuster today.

              I've neer seen hail like that. Some places it was the size of baseballs! Here it was more the size a marble to the size of a golf ball.

              I was sure we'd have a tornado; it got as dark as night. I could see a huge black cloud, but to the north of us so it was probably the part of the storm that went your way.

              We've had few storms here in the past, so this was not the typical storm for NC.

              I hope this was just a freaky incident that won't become the norm.

              Good Luck to you.

              You cannot dream yourself into a character; you must hammer and forge yourself one.


                I am so very sorry for that destruction of your area and I too am glad you are ok. I live just north of Asheville. We didn't not suffer any major damage, a few trees down here and there and some flooding but that is about it.

                I will keep you in my thoughts!
                Falling down is easy... getting up not so much


                  Son in Fayetteville is fine. Friends there are good too but so many military that rent in the area have lost all possessions.

                  They all need some prayer. Glad you are ok.


                    How horrible LittleElf! I too saw the destruction on TV, Glad you are ok, and the stress hasn't made your ms sx worse.


                      happy to hear you are ok!

                      thank goodness you are ok! and so sorry for your town.... and very glad it has not stressed your ms, bless you!
                      your horse must be fast cuz' you were haulin' ***** when I passed you!!!!


                        glad you`re ok! thoughts and prayers for all affected. good luck. thanks for helping.

                        MS World
                        PPMS DX 2001

                        "ADAPT AND OVERCOME" - MY COUSIN


                          Niece was close by!

                          I'm not from NC (actually I'm in California), but my niece was there near the Lowe's store. She came from Tennessee for her team's soccer game (of course they canceled it) and they just happened to be close by. Everyone from the team is safe but it was very scary.

                          I'm so sorry for all of what you and the people of NC are having to go through!


                            I also saw your town on TV. I am sorry and I am glad you are OK.
                            God Bless Us All


                              It is so sweet of you all to send the well wishes!
                              nana-anne I'm so glad your niece and her team are okay.

                              What a story they have to tell!

                              It looks like we are gonna be cleaning up for several weeks.

                              FIMA just arrived and have to asses all damages before anything can be cleaned up.

                              They have just cleared the roadways and that's all we can do right now. Well that and unfortunately fend off the looters. Many have already been arrested.

                              I wish everyone out there well.
                              -little elf

